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Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:45 pm Reply with quote
What if the PSC site was shut down tomorrow?
All the vote whoring and cheating would go unnoticed if certain .ppl spent more time chopping and less time prying, I dont know if that's a good thing????
I know i got screwed by cheats a few time so i did some research, shit happens, dont let it bother you, the cheats only get a hollow thrill from the few extra votes, or even a faulsely gained win.
The only way to stop the mainline of cheating is to stop the aliasholes, i means a little bit more work for JMH and the team, but as this seams to be the main gripe on this site, it would be time well spent, an ISP scan would eliminate the aliasholes, we all know the couples and family members who might share an ISP address, an ISP scan and block would be an easy thing to set up, (although i'd not have a clue where to start) so how about it JMH? you could even charge an extra few dollars for an aditional ISP address, make a register of them and keep an eye on them
Vote begging PM's should be reported and posted in the voting forum, but i think we have stoped most of them.
you all know i dont talk much, why use 2 words when 1 will do, but this kind of thread realy pisses me off and the few simple measures i mentioned above would eliminate the need to start another

Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:49 pm Reply with quote
I hear Beach ninjas are the creators of fish tacos
Location: In a world of $#!t
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:02 pm Reply with quote
The people that are the biggest pain in the ass (cough, showcase, cough) are some of the best teachers. That's how we get better. Some are mean a-holes with a lot of sense. Some are just mean a-holes. (such is life) If we all sat around sucking and telling each other how wonderful we were. This place would be a joke and only have people that needed their egos stroked on it and the person with a little skill would be king!!!! Know what I mean?  The person with a little skill would be like the average looking girl that only hangs out with her fat ugly friends because it makes her look better. 
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:32 pm Reply with quote
MindGraph wrote: I'm seeing lately are some people complaining, accusing and whatever other crap they are doing. People that don't submit anything, don't vote but yet point the finger at others for what their doing wrong.
THOSE people are the friends I've made at this site.
There are actually MORE of those people who I am in contact with and still e-friends with than there are actual people that post
in contests throughout any given week.
I listen to maybe tenfold the number of complaints that ever end up at psc from them at any given time.
Those people who number far far more than the number of active users on this site today are not active on this site.
Because basically, they , who number far more than you, only wanted an honest attempt at a fair playing field,
but whenever they said anything they got called you just did.
None of them came here to be put down. In general they are a much classier group of people who rather than upset anyone, just packed their bags and left. Thanks for that you guys.
Your friends are more important that our friends.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:33 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote:
not true 
Wow...I'm as shocked by that as you are Splodge.
...oh I'm not, but I am saddened by it too.
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:36 pm Reply with quote
so,,,, no one read my post, not suprized, yorkshire is such a hard language to translate
Location: here
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:51 pm Reply with quote
well said, Scion!
... and Splodge, i read your post. if you talk about IP's then there is already an IP blocker build in here. easy to walk around though.
the good news is, in fact i understood your post much faster than Scions... don't know from which planet he comes 
_________________ Take it easy!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:54 pm Reply with quote
I begging PM's have not only not stopped,
But now I get them........ME!...
WHO is THE most likely person on this site to go and
post a vote beg PM in forums?
Location: here
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:56 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: I begging PM's have not only not stopped,
But now I get them........ME!...
WHO is THE most likely person on this site to go and
post a vote beg PM in forums?
 uh oh...
_________________ Take it easy!
Location: Yorkshire,
Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:26 pm Reply with quote
deap crap ;(
someone else is going to get slamed,
legalize vote whoring for old whores
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:26 pm Reply with quote
thats all. just...
Im somewhat hurt...yet joyous...yet confused (thanks to Scion's "more than this" and "more than that" blubberings)
anyway, I do pretty much have the same outlook as Reyhey... which is...
I am the teacher and you all are my students. Prepare to learn!

_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:18 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: If it was about a YEAR ago, I'd probably be rather sad.
Now? I can truthfully take it or leave it.
Too BIG.
Too blah blah blah.
Too "GOAL" oriented in a Non-Photoshop way.
But: Thanks for asking! 
HA! BAM! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn........
Too "GOAL" oriented in a Non-Photoshop way.
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:52 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: What if the PSC site was shut down tomorrow?
All the vote whoring and cheating would go unnoticed if certain .ppl spent more time chopping and less time prying, I dont know if that's a good thing????
I know i got screwed by cheats a few time so i did some research, shit happens, dont let it bother you, the cheats only get a hollow thrill from the few extra votes, or even a faulsely gained win.
The only way to stop the mainline of cheating is to stop the aliasholes, i means a little bit more work for JMH and the team, but as this seams to be the main gripe on this site, it would be time well spent, an ISP scan would eliminate the aliasholes, we all know the couples and family members who might share an ISP address, an ISP scan and block would be an easy thing to set up, (although i'd not have a clue where to start) so how about it JMH? you could even charge an extra few dollars for an aditional ISP address, make a register of them and keep an eye on them
Vote begging PM's should be reported and posted in the voting forum, but i think we have stoped most of them.
you all know i dont talk much, why use 2 words when 1 will do, but this kind of thread realy pisses me off and the few simple measures i mentioned above would eliminate the need to start another

your point is well made splodge and I don't know programming or anything like you do so I don't know the ins and outs of what you can do to monitor who has an alias etc. but all the points made here have opened my eyes to some things. I guess I'll still keep learning and doin my thing but everyones points are well taken and that's what I was looking for. Everyone has a reason and I was just posting mine for being here. I respect your comment as well as others and I like your suggestion on monitoring the ISP's but thought as someone else said that it's already being done. It would definitely make the alias ppl have to work at it being that they would have to use different computers at different locations if I understand it correctly. Anyway thanks everyone for your opinions and views and I guess one thing I have learned on this is the site has grown and become more popular than when I first started here and so it's change in a different direction whether I like it or not.
Thanks splodge.
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