Coming back to PSc after a long break at this time can be shocking. Facing all the changes to the site and changes in people,
and changes in personality all in one shot is a bit overwhelming.
There certainly are highlights that reflect the glory days when all this was basically 'new' to almost everyone here.
Continued originality, and development of styles that are not
just copies of 'every other chop site out there' gets more
and more difficult every day.
Setting the bar higher is no longer a common event but still
does happen.
Claf,Billtvshow,reyrey,Arcaico,Anfa,Serps...and on and on and a few others are still carrying the
banner of trying to beat everything that was done before.
Guys like micose and mikey are working their tails off to
perfect new styles, we even have newer guys like dumbat, DigitalPharoah, and others who are
bringing back the old PSC classic styles of telling a story.
There are more pictures to see, and the killer chops that
impress the hell out of you are a bit harder to find and maybe a bit less frequent, but they are there and do happen.
I go now...you guys have fun trying to communicate in broken english and eat your veggies.