Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Question about the FireFox browser - Reply to topic
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Location: Augusta, Georgia
Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:05 pm Reply with quote
out of nowhere I was on the site using Fire Fox browser which has been flawless and one minute everything was working normal and then since yesterday I can't display any pics on this site only and logos as well. Can't see any images in the contest unless I click and enlarge them. I CAN see pics posted in the advantage chat though probably cause their linked outside this site. Other sites I go to are fine. It's just this one. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know what could be causing it as it's a real problem when your working on a site that's main focus is images and you can't see any.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Location: Hudson, Canada
Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:42 pm Reply with quote
sorry, man. I'm using firefox and have no probs. probs with this site, anyway. I may have other probs, but I don't think you want to read about them.
Excuse me now, I have to bake some brownies.
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:57 pm Reply with quote
thanks sage. Actually when I opened my browser at work today which is also firefox it was fine so I thought maybe when I got home mine here would be ok also but it's still not working....hmmmmmm. Didn't mention that I'm on a mac but so is my work one. Well maybe while I'm working on this you could send some brownies. They help me think better. =)
sage wrote: sorry, man. I'm using firefox and have no probs. probs with this site, anyway. I may have other probs, but I don't think you want to read about them.
Excuse me now, I have to bake some brownies.
Location: Hudson, Canada
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:02 pm Reply with quote
What do they mean when they say, "Cream margarine and both sugars together....."
I'm on macs too. Did you update your firefox at home?
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:04 pm Reply with quote
Yup, I am using Firefox 2.0 both at home and work. No problems here. You might try just deleting Firefox and re-installing. A bit of hassle, but worth it seeing as how pictures are the life-blood of this site!
*edit* didn't see the Mac part. I am on Windows/PC so... yeah, you might try losing the Mac.  Kidding. Try re-installing for sure though.
**edit 2.0** that is if Scion's suggestion doesn't help. Okay I give up, no more editing.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:06 pm Reply with quote
my bet..when you configured the latest version of FF..
you did this
and then ya went and checked PSC without thinking, thereby shutting off image loading in PSC.
*edit* In short..make sure PSC is not listed there at all.
*edit*BS edited his comment so fast that I thought he edited it before I even posted. Which sent me into another momentary fit of paranoia that people were reading my mind again.
Location: London
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:17 pm Reply with quote
MindGraph wrote: out of nowhere I was on the site using Fire Fox browser which has been flawless and one minute everything was working normal and then since yesterday I can't display any pics on this site only and logos as well. Can't see any images in the contest unless I click and enlarge them. I CAN see pics posted in the advantage chat though probably cause their linked outside this site. Other sites I go to are fine. It's just this one. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone know what could be causing it as it's a real problem when your working on a site that's main focus is images and you can't see any.
Thanks in advance for the help!
using firefox + Stylish extension here.. all fine
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:30 pm Reply with quote
well I asked my wife and she said to mix your margarine and sugar together at a high speed on your mixer is what creaming is. On the other note I dug around where scion said and I didn't have load images automatically on but for some reason in the content/load images area I hit the "exceptions" button and inside was and next to it was block instead of allow. Problem is fixed. Thanks all for the help and good luck sage with the brownies
sage wrote:
What do they mean when they say, "Cream margarine and both sugars together....."
I'm on macs too. Did you update your firefox at home?
Location: Hudson, Canada
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:35 pm Reply with quote
great! They're in the oven now...thank your wife, please. 
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:41 pm Reply with quote
MindGraph wrote: well I asked my wife and she said to mix your margarine and sugar together at a high speed on your mixer is what creaming is. On the other note I dug around where scion said and I didn't have load images automatically on but for some reason in the content/load images area I hit the "exceptions" button and inside was and next to it was block instead of allow. Problem is fixed. Thanks all for the help and good luck sage with the brownies
sage wrote:
What do they mean when they say, "Cream margarine and both sugars together....."
I'm on macs too. Did you update your firefox at home?
That's what i said you turkey. Yer welcome.
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:47 pm Reply with quote
actually now the I just read it again you DID say exactly what was wrong. Thanks again my guru!
ScionShade wrote: MindGraph wrote: well I asked my wife and she said to mix your margarine and sugar together at a high speed on your mixer is what creaming is. On the other note I dug around where scion said and I didn't have load images automatically on but for some reason in the content/load images area I hit the "exceptions" button and inside was and next to it was block instead of allow. Problem is fixed. Thanks all for the help and good luck sage with the brownies
sage wrote:
What do they mean when they say, "Cream margarine and both sugars together....."
I'm on macs too. Did you update your firefox at home?
That's what i said you turkey. Yer welcome.
Location: Hudson, Canada
Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:01 pm Reply with quote
friggin brownies didn't work, I suck  Don't ask...I should have made popcorn like I originally planned.
_________________ "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:08 pm Reply with quote
 Awwwwshucks gawsh Mickey, it twerent nothin'.
This is what happens when you SAMPLE THE INGREDIENTS before baking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:09 pm Reply with quote
FYI- pot pop-corn? Don't do it man..step away from the popper.
Site Moderator
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:11 pm Reply with quote
It’s likely you have the latest (and unfortunate) virus designed for Firefox…redhammer.
You can manually delete this process but it takes some time. Here are the steps I followed:
Log on to the computer by using an account that has administrative permissions.
Make sure that the Ligate Notifications version that exists on the computer is a pilot version. The version format for the pilot version is red1.5.0532.x. In this case, you can uninstall versions 527-532 only. For example, you can uninstall red versions that range from 1.5.0527.0 to 1.5.0532.2. To find the redhammer notifications version, follow these steps:
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Double-click Add or Remove Programs, locate and then click Windows XP - Software, then click Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications, and then click Redhammer for support information.
In the Support Info dialog box, verify the version number, and then click Close. (If you are using Firefox ver. 2.0 or better, use the right scroll command+RHAMMER and enter “Windy Creek”
Rename the following files by changing the extension to .rhig:
• Rename %Windir%\system32\WgaLogon.dll to %Windir%\system32\WgaLogon.rhig
• Rename %Windir%\system32\WgaTray.exe to %Windir%\system32\WgaTray.rhig
Restart the computer BUT not manually, use CTRL-ALT-DEL…pause and enter WINDY HAMMER
Upon restart, run REGHAMMER
Unregister LegitCheckControl.dll by using Regsvr32. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, click Run, type Rammer, and then click OK.
b. At the command prompt, type the following, and then press ENTER:
Rammer32 %Windir%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll /urs /redstarlll/wincreek
6. Restart the computer.
7. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
That’s it. Daunting, I know but it works and is permanent.
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