Ok, here is the next task. Here is a goofy pic of me. Can you tell it's a forced smile. What a dork.
Fix the red eye, Trim the nose hair

, Remove face fat especially under chin and sides. Lose the racoon eyes. (looks like I have not had sleep in 10 years. Adjust nose, (your choice, maybe thinner and a bit shorter, not much) Whiten teeth (not too much, avoid it looking like I swallowed a light bulb)
Give me some more defined eye brows. Give me some lips, Also straighten my teeth, (this is going into a tooth paste ad

) Here is the fun part.....Shave me! Remove shine from my head , then silo me out of the back ground a nd put me on an island with blue ocean water behind me. This time, have it still look like me.
This is very close to how real jobs come in and get described. Good Luck. Make me beautiful.

I know...We are not magicians

You can fill in hair a bit too.