what do you mean age re-perfect from that company i cant seem to currently remember...
45 mins of greatness ad concentration and mind numbing amounts of chocolate muffins later
edit: ill be nice so ill let ya in on what i did to him perhaps it will help...
Eyes.. nothing fancy box selected around em and moved them up a tad bit as eyes move down as the person gets older... then i used colour replace on the iris.
Face was airbrushed with a sample selection of his face.
on several layer through outthe stages as i healed i air brushed to make sure it matched
Hair.. nothing fancy again. seleceted around it. moved it down to compensate for any receding that took place. (like folical replacement...) then i cloned and healed around it on a layer abouve. Touched up as i went saves me going back and wasting more time...
Darkening the hair is easy the burn tool only works on the lighter shades in the hair.. the grey parts so i burned it darker.
Next teeth. i copyied the teeth and whitened em in two steps.
first desaturted the yellow and then dodge for touch up
I shrank the ear and head the shadow. because ears grow continuosly
Next the chin
haaving air burshed most of the whikers shadoww away there was no need to ruin the facial structure... but the left side shows the fat on his face as it has over hang slightly.. so i changed the angle of the face at the edge by cloning a section in a blank space on a new layer and useing that as a skin grapht. rotated it slightly.
Next shadows for the right side.
it looked like all neck as handsome as he is..

i ussed the brush tool to draw a defining line. on multiply and low opacity.
the defining line runs underwhere his chin is evident.
This is a five stage process.
draw out where the chin is as a line
the softening for the chins shadow abouve the line.
the softening for the chins shadow below the line
and the shadow on his neck those three went into a layer set with its onw mask for finalising
remove the line and fade each layer appropiatlyn till they match up
lastly i touched up any mistakes i made andchecked the brushing and done save
45 mins in total (44:35 was actual end time but ill roudn it up)