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Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:17 am Reply with quote
This thread is bizarre, but makes good points, Winning as Nico and Fab point out is indeed fun.
I didn't win until my 95th entry, your fresh here FC, don't let it worry you. Like Blue says, this site has slightly lost its learning and social ways since prizes came. We all learn fro each other, and thats how you increase your skills.
Marx-Man I have no idea what your talking about, how that brown version of the rabbits took you 2 hours is beyond me. Unless you opened the file went off to have dinner and a bath then came back and finished it
I kid, but the b&w one got 'double' the votes because it looks better.
Anyways, lets get back to the chatting and learning about the arts of the chop, its what makes this site great. helping others to become better. Who's with me..........
.........(tumbleweed)............ ahhhhhh fudge 
Tue Dec 19, 2006 11:54 am Reply with quote
finestcall wrote: All my life I have always wanted to win and to get something in return for my hard work.
I was here late at night a few weeks ago and noticed that you had just posted a thread. You were introducting yourself to the site.
What I read was a bit odd, sad, and very telling of your current mental state.
I think myself and deathofaclown were the only ones who read it before you deleted the comments and left something more benign for everyone to read.
The line of yours that I quoted above is what this is all about and is a lot deeper than your need to win on PSC.
Work on resolving the real issues and then come back here with a healthy attitude.
Maybe Marco will reward you with a free advantage account for your efforts.
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:03 pm Reply with quote
quick question... why did you guys go to a 30 day instead of 7??? I think I would like the 7 day for the same reasons mentioned before.
Location: The United Kingdom!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:11 pm Reply with quote
nah i read it i thought i had miss read it when i re-read the thread
figured i was going barmy then shrugged it off as i already am a bit 
Location: Glendale, Az.
Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:21 pm Reply with quote
Over 2 years of experience of submitting images on the PSC site have led me to conclude that there are a bundle of artistically skilled and creatively talented photoshoppers on this site, any one of whom could, on any given day, produce an image that earns enough votes to win a contest. There are a select few who can consistently create images that will always contend for the top prize. And then, there are people like myself, who on occasion, can come up with an image that will attract viewer and voter attention and receive enough votes to be competitive with the front runners.
So why do I continue to submit entries when the expectation of winning a contest is realistically less than probable? Simply, because I enjoy the process of creating an image that might be
thought provoking, beautiful, inspiring and/or meaningful in some other way. And while I enjoy collecting votes as much as anyone else, I do not consciously create an image with the expressed intent that it will win a contest.
For me, the PSC experience has been one of making friends in an online community, learning how to photoshop from some unbelievably gifted artists, expanding the horizons of my own artistic ability, and sharing information that might in some small way contribute to the positive and friendly spirit of this online family of artists.
Winning, in the end, may not really be all about who gets the most votes.....
Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:26 pm Reply with quote
Patre wrote: Winning, in the end, may not really be all about who gets the most votes.....
Brilliantly said, Patre. You indeed are an inspiration!

Location: Back where I belong.
Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:37 pm Reply with quote
Gotta love Grandpa Patre. 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:06 pm Reply with quote
Wow. I've made 32 entries that didn't get a single vote
That's roughly 1/3. Only a few of first ones really sucked. The rest were pretty decent. Of course those were all made when the average contest had 20 entries and I think the rule was 3 votes to give instead of 25.
I can't remember why I ever stopped chopping. I went almost 4 years without seriously chopping before I started again last month. Probably because I trolled for a few weeks and really liked what I saw. I liked the message board and the people in it. That and I really like pictures. My favorite part of chopping is finding the perfect picture that will seamlessly integrate with a source. You wouldn't believe how many almost finished contest entries I keep on file. Almost finished and abandoned because I just wasn't happy with the results. I'm my own worst critic.
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:47 pm Reply with quote
Is it just me? or has finestcall left the building...
Reasons to stay at PSC,
First; check out all the choppers that have come to your aid.
Second; winning is not all it's cracked up to be, just ask Marco... again and again
Third; get Advantage any way you can, we talked about it before, JMH can you do something about letting choppers send in a money order? not everyone has access to credit cards, I know you would get a lot more $Bling$ coming in. finest, do it for preservation of this site and for no other reason.
Forth; if you ever win a contest here, it won't be from something you thought would win, (unless your Anfa, Rey Rey, or Marco...etc.)
Fifth; don't get discouraged because you only get a few votes like Marked Man, he's still hangin tough
Sixth; just think of all the hot chicks you'll meet.
Seventh; you can say that you have friends from all over the world that care. ;
Eighth; if you send your picture to Blue Lurker, he'll post it, so Micose can make you famous. (so smile)
Anyone want to continue? my fingers are getting cramped 
Location: Brazil
Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Paul Von Stetina wrote: Forth; if you ever win a contest here, it won't be from something you thought would win, (unless your Anfa, Rey Rey, or Marco...etc.)
I hate to be part of the etc!!!
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Tripping the lights Fandango
Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:34 pm Reply with quote
"Don't let your Ego be your Amigo"
Chop because you Can and Want to... ask yourself why do I chop??
most sites are competitive I don't chop to compete and so I don't fit in that mold.I like votes but it's not gonna make or break my day either way.I chop because I enjoy it!
This site is as close as I can get to a group that enjoys chopping,does it for fun (alot of that in chat) and in Contests.I chop what I see not what will get votes,now
Why do you chop???
Location: The United Kingdom!
Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:46 pm Reply with quote
Chopping is forfilling its nice to have made somthing that ya can call you very own...
even if it has three ears, two noses and a pistachio nut sticking out of its tusk
***Tilts head...***. is that a banana
Location: Northern California
Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Patre wrote: My almost 2 years of experience of submitting images on the PSC site have led me to conclude that there are a bundle of artistically skilled....  thats so beautiful! I know i have only been around for a little but when i mentioned that i would like to win something i didn't mean a prize. Before i came to PSC i was a member of worth1000, and i did a ton of work there but as close as i ever came to win was 7th place  ... winning is not everything like you guys said above and i agree 100% but when u haven't won anything ever it becomes a big deal. I been working with Photoshop for about 3 years... i had some classes but we only used Ms paint  then when i moved to my other High school we had photoshop so i got some skills from there. I know i can download photoshop and save me $600+ but i don't want to rip off anyone so i got it for xmas last year. Now PSC is the greatest thing ever happen to me, this site is awesome and i wouldn't change a thing (well maybe, once in a while they should give us an image of a bikini girl) JK  ... people here are great i know  i got a message from Marco saying that if i ever needed help i can ask him, by the way Marco your the best (mostly for your avatar) damn church camp.
So i guess i would continue chopping my way into a win, as some of you say "it would eventually happen". Well i got nothing but time. 
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