I think Marked Man meant Cohesion; the state or condition of joining or working together to form a united whole, or the tendency to do this
I know, he's an easy target, and not on the recieving end of the vote system either
Did he say 'Bad Chop Day?"
I still say we have to have "Bad Chop Day, whoever gets 0 votes 0 comments wins, and if you're a newbie, you might have an extra good chance of winning, this would finally put the disadvantage to the advantaged, Scion was supposed to lead this a while back...
Anyway, name the date, lets do 'Bad Chop Day"

what's this?
Marco? will you help?

I got it!

we can use that fookin #26 with the cracked asphalt! it keeps coming up like the sore on your lip, so whenever it's chosen, (next month) it's Bad Chop Day !