Hi everyone. I know I havn't haven't been on the site for ages but let me explain:
Basically, I took my laptop into school because i needed to do some work on it and before i knew it someone "accidentally" trod on it (loooong story) and unfortunately someone stepping on your laptop isnt covered by insurance. go figure. ok then i managed to corupt the start up files on my family's computer (they wern't happy about it either) and i couldn't find my xp disc so i sorta got a pirate version of windows and installed it. it turned out i was installing it in german, and i messed up the installation so everytime i start up my computer up, i get an error message in german

but no-one needs to know about that
so what have i been up to? well for some strange reason today we had a load of snow. its strange because the UK only has rain and not much else, but huzzah, it snowed and i made a snow man:
I'd like to see you make a better one...
and yesterday i made this:
which i thought was pretty cool.
so what have you guys been up to in my absence?
any new comers?
keep me posted!