Rey... your right it is half finished...
30 mins and 2 chocolate bars later
Theres only one obvious mistake in it (it bugs the hell out of me but i wanna see if anyone else notices it...
ok for ya benifit.. although ya probably already know...
The glass you made looks more like metal.. as it has reflections and specular but lacks transparency.
When making glass the specular is twice as apparent than metal.
with hollow glass there are two specular ranges... (hold a pint glass up at a tangent to a light source like a moniter and it will become evident)
One on the front which is short and squashed and one on the back white is stretched. these to ranges give the glass its depth... but not only that but they are also not reflected in what would be considered a normal way...
technicallly when looking through a sphere or lens object you should get double vision of the objects behind. as your eyes can't focus on the objects in question
the glass also needs highlights where the shadows are
why.. light is not obstructed in the same way with glass. it is refracted so the shadwing areas are the relfected areas where previous light was obscured...
Where the glass is most dense at the edges is usually where you would find it.. but as with light, shadows cannot be cast onto the glass only slight shadowing can be shown in the reflection. (shadow is cast through glass not on it.)
and lastly can't stress this enough folks glass is translucent to a very transparent degree...
glass fix