glennhanna wrote:
Science is going to collapse on itself when I explain to them that time is not a dimention. Time is only the representation of movement and motion that humans can seemingly keep track of with the motions of the hands of a clock, revealing a measurable number in which to humans, must be a dimension. Length, width, height, and when. Cute. But we will find no answers in exploring the concept of time as a line that can be traveled, bent or manipulated in any way. It doesn't exist. Think of time as a verb, not a noun.
Yes t factor was invented to solve equations... and it doesn't exists, particules "t" has been invented...but we deal with it and the fact that its or not a dimension is not opposite to the idea that it has a rule, cuz, yes, it links other concepts together...movement, by the way doens'te xists either u know as far as it is a mass that encounters a force, within a go paint now...
even if science is quite fun....