Drama aside. What are your nominations for:
1. Best match-up (i.e. the match-up that you had the hardest time deciding on)
2. Funniest chop in round 1
3. Best theme in a round 1 chop
4. Best overall chop in round 1
5. Biggest surprise for round 1 (i.e. upset win, someone "raising their game", etc.)
6. Biggest no-show disappointment.
Edit: Here's mine:
1. Best match-up - Anabrin v. mightybeet. Dang that was tough to choose for me.
2. Funniest chop in round - mightybeet.
3. Best theme in a round 1 chop - delucx's pods
4. Best overall chop in round 1 - sheesh... buglover or kooi for me I guess.
5. Biggest surprise for round - Go Cheryl!
6. Biggest no-show disappointment. - Jasper hands down for specific entrant that no-showed. Although I was really hoping that Marx-man would finally shut us all up and shock the PSC world. For non-entrants I'm staring right at Rey & Claf!
On your marks. Get set. Go!
Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey