WhimSea wrote:
I was really pleased with using Image Ready for the first time (see PSC Dashboard entry on the old mailbox contest). It was 256 color2, 799x599 pixels, about 8 or 9 frames and was so easy to save to the 124K upload size.
so then I'm trying it again for making a Monkey Movie... what the heck. I've tried for 2 days and just can not get it to that 124K size. First it was color and about 16 frames, same 256 colors and pixel size... gif file size was around 1MB. Took out some colors, took out some frames. Still too big. Ok, so changed it to grayscale, took out a bunch of frames, made it a cute silent movie style... the lowest size I can get it to at the right pixel size is just under 500k. Why did it work so easy the first time and not so the next. Is there a trick to get the largest physical size, the best resolution and get the file size small?
So I couldn't upload this for an entry, here is my shorter, bw silent Monkey Movie....
nice..would have done well...and I I say every time....try messing about with the advanced lossy sliders and dithering amounts