Meanwhile, there are lots of people here already familiar with
everything on this film, and what in this film has been not so carefully
twisted to serve the producers' agenda.
There is an abundance of misinformation and outright fantasy here.
It would truly be good to see anyone who feels suddenly enlightened by this film to actually invest more effort into it and compare it to
information that is already available , check other sources.
The films FIRST several list of facts concern historical and mythological figures who all have several things in common. They all had several of these items in common,
they were born of a virgin,
they had 12 disciples,
the were crucified,
they died,
they were resurrected after three days...
plus a few other items, which culminates in
them all having occured BEFORE the biggest fraud of all, Jesus the Christ.
Did no one recognize these figures? I know I learned about them even in elementary school...
cross reference them yourselves.
The son of Zeus was not born of a virgin, blah blah blah--it's all made up, it's not a part of historical record nor mythology.
If you got past these first several minutes and felt confident enough to continue being enlightened and did so, congratulations.
I am in full support of anyone going out there and learning all they can about the truths of the world around them. Please don't
be so gullible.
It's not my business to put other members personal views into this forum, but of the several members on this site who have had in depth
co-study, analysis, and sharing of this information over these last years--all of whom are not on my conservative side of the aisle...
please, direct these curious people to the real evidences, show them what 1913 is all about, if you can, please explain why this film is different from anything before, that the twist it takes is not only misleading but 180 degrees from the truth, blaming those who have fought to
bring this information to the world in the first as the actual cause.
I really can not get further involved in this discussion. I do not know how to even begin to converse with people suddenly joining my team..
apparently because they so easily believe we are the enemy...what a mess....holy cow.
The Rockefellers are laughing to tears on this one.
Even the brazen title..I wouldn't be surprised if this did become zeitgeist.