Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Art Thievery - Hall of Shame II a.k.a Not What It Seems II - Reply to topic
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Location: UnitedStates
Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:21 pm Reply with quote
I'm not a f*cking idiot, Wiz
I care about being honest to my fellow artists!
you may think it's funny to use 99% someone else's work and slap your "by Wiz" on it and not correct anyone that says they really like how you did this or that, and you know for a fact that you didn't do that, it's just not the right thing to do.
We have some really, really great artists here that take the time to do their own work, using the source in great detail, link to their externals so you can see how they did their work... I don't think it's fair or just for someone to rip off an image, or rip it off and make such small changes to it claim it as their own, and not be upfront about it to people who are giving votes out for the chops.
if you were just doing this for making a new desktop for yourself and not posting it on a site like this, not vying for votes, not vying for prizes, then I wouldn't give a rats ass... but the fact that it's being done here and you and others are trying to fool us, all I can say is shame on you!
didn't someone teach you that fibbing and not being upfront about the truth isn't far from lying and cheating?
I guess you have decide whether you want to be in the artist line or the con-artist line.
Location: South Carolina
Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:28 pm Reply with quote
this is all very confusing to me ..... i worked in the gift ware buisness for many years... collectable castles for example....I spent many hours creating new castles , only to have some mexican copy it ,change the color and call it new....there was nothing we could do about this ..... the color was diffrent so its was considered a new idea and copyright didn't apply ...... as for chopping i use many sorces in my chops , so now after reading this im worried about all this stealing stuff... our chops are not for sale .... are they? I thought this chopping was for fun...... do tubes also count ...most all are usuable for personal or fun use ..... and the photo thing ,didn't god create just about everything we are taking a picture of ? Maybe he needs to come down here and give us all a spanking .....please excuse me if i have stepped on anyones toes..... can we all just get along ? ooops do i need permission to say sorry rodney.One more thing while im here.... Eat more green red meat makes you mean .... don't take things sooooo serious...those who can , do ! those who can't , copy. 
Location: UnitedStates
Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:51 pm Reply with quote
welan wrote: this is all very confusing to me ..... i worked in the gift ware buisness for many years... collectable castles for example....I spent many hours creating new castles , only to have some mexican copy it ,change the color and call it new....there was nothing we could do about this ..... the color was diffrent so its was considered a new idea and copyright didn't apply ...... as for chopping i use many sorces in my chops , so now after reading this im worried about all this stealing stuff... our chops are not for sale .... are they? I thought this chopping was for fun...... do tubes also count ...most all are usuable for personal or fun use ..... and the photo thing ,didn't god create just about everything we are taking a picture of ? .... those who can , do ! those who can't , copy. 
what tubes are you talking about? don't get that. As far as your castles, is that what the mexican company told you or did you go to court over the incident?
while this is for fun, a rip off is still a rip off and if you're implying that you've done all your own work, than that's lying as well. Your work is on display for everyone to see ... if it was just on your desktop background, no one could question something being ripped off, but here you are slapping your name on it as the artist, vying for votes and prizes.
as far as using stuff from the web, you have to very careful - the copyright may not been shown on the page you're directed to... that person may have ripped off the image from somewhere else. Best to use some generic pieces - like you said God's work. A bit of sky here, a dab of grass from here, here a limb, there a limb... don't use someone's wallpaper as your background for an entry and allow others to think you created it.
If you can't stop yourself from using this stuff, at least be honest about it and show us your external links right off the bat and let us figure out how much work you did.
and I prefer chicken 
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:35 pm Reply with quote
If it's such a big cause of concern, why not make it mandatory to list all sources? I'm not saying I agree with this, but it seems like the only way to prevent what you're talking about.
In my opinion, the point of the contest is to use the source, your own artistic ability, AND outside sources. With this in mind, if part of the contest involves outside sources, why would it be considered a rip-off to use someone else's image?
I think it would only be a rip-off if you post a completely copied picture and claimed it as your own.
For example, comedy central uses clips from other news organizations as part of some of their programs. Is that a rip-off too? I know they give credit to the stations because it's required by law, but they also cover up the stations logos.
I'm not sure if my last point will make any sense to anyone but me, but hopefully someone will understand.
Damn... I didn't want to write this much...
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:55 pm Reply with quote
i 300 percent dig what Whimseas said , is saying,and will say.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:07 pm Reply with quote
TutorMe wrote: If it's such a big cause of concern, why not make it mandatory to list all sources? I'm not saying I agree with this, but it seems like the only way to prevent what you're talking about.
In my opinion, the point of the contest is to use the source, your own artistic ability, AND outside sources. With this in mind, if part of the contest involves outside sources, why would it be considered a rip-off to use someone else's image?
I think it would only be a rip-off if you post a completely copied picture and claimed it as your own.
For example, comedy central uses clips from other news organizations as part of some of their programs. Is that a rip-off too? I know they give credit to the stations because it's required by law, but they also cover up the stations logos.
I'm not sure if my last point will make any sense to anyone but me, but hopefully someone will understand.
Damn... I didn't want to write this much...
its not what he talked about Tut....i think we are more talking about artistic externalz, or "yet"-chopped" pictures , plus ...copyright is even not in the subject matter.
...just...avoid to goto or painting sites and come back with a superb background for ur copy/paste work (its the unpersonal "you" im speaking too of course).
Location: UnitedStates
Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote
armogeden wrote: OK so I've been here for a while, I know the rules on copyrighting and I in no way condone it. But I'm a little hazy on the finer points. Say I searched "at the park" into google.
But take this picture for example. Clearly some kind of everyday photo, there is no artist or professional photographer involved. Is this still copyrighted? Are the rules slightly more lax for this type of thing or are they the same as usual?
the site says: Copyright
All material on this website, including text and graphics, is copyright to Pendle Borough Council unless otherwise stated.
The text and graphic content of this web site may be used, printed and distributed ONLY under the following conditions:
* The content of the site is used for non-commercial purposes only
* Copyright information is displayed (© Copyright 2005 Pendle Borough Council)
* The content is not modified
it depends what you're using from what photos you're getting thru google. We have to remember Google is a search engine, not a catalog.  If you're in need of a landscape shot, best to find a generic sky, generic land and put it together yourself if you don't have a photo you took yourself. There are several art sites that will allow you to use there art under certain rules, or if you buy rights to use them. Some people will allow you to use their art if you just ask them... but you want to keep a copy of their permission!
Site Moderator
Location: Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette, finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet.
Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote
Quote: i think we are more talking about artistic externalz, or "yet"-chopped" pictures
I totally agree about someone's artwork being chopped. I'm not much of an artist myself, but if someone took one of my chops that I worked on for a while, and gave it some perspective and added one thing, I'd prolly be upset.
Although, I don't know why anyone would chose one of my chops...
Location: UnitedStates
Sat Aug 18, 2007 10:24 pm Reply with quote
and in case you were wondering, yes, this is a commercial site
Location: South Carolina
Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:28 am Reply with quote
wow .... i had no idea that chops were taken so seriously ....steeling etc. i don't think i have ever listed a sorce , will do now... 
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:33 am Reply with quote
the only part i disagree with you Whimsea its for Wiz. Wiz does serious chops, great integrations using most of the time some "hollywood" or advertisment" big deal...Disney etc...good thing to play with their capitalist visuals .
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:35 am Reply with quote
welan wrote: wow .... i had no idea that chops were taken so seriously ....steeling etc. i don't think i have ever listed a sorce , will do now... 
better to yea...thx.WHy...did u often picked someonelse chop or painting's?
Location: South Carolina
Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:52 am Reply with quote
Micose wrote: welan wrote: wow .... i had no idea that chops were taken so seriously ....steeling etc. i don't think i have ever listed a sorce , will do now... 
better to yea...thx.WHy...did u often picked someonelse chop or painting's?
i use mostly real pictures to make a chop......some psp tubes ,
Location: Everywhere
Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:23 am Reply with quote
All I have to say is that if a person chooses to use ideas and/or other peoples images to create a chop it is there own business and done at their own risk. It is up to the voter if she or he chooses to vote for it . As far as I see it too, you used some externals in your chops, were they yours?? Did you ask mightybeet (I think that is who it is) grefix, and Marco to use there faces in those chops you did?? And I also see a magazine that you used to put Marco's head on?? I am not trying to start an argument or trouble, just making a point. 
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