You wish to learn somthing? Really? Why bother? This place is really going downhill fast. When I first got here, PSC was very different than it is has become now. They forced me to think things through like shadows, depth, reflections, color corrections... and not just to copy and paste. Now it seems like if you have a good idea, thats all that is required. Photorealism is an afterthought if you will. Just do it to the best of your ability, then go on and on in the authors notes about how much time it took to get it this far, and call it a day!
Not like any of us are really here to learn right?
Well, I know I'm here for that reason! Seems like at least theres a handful of us still around that want to learn. I know I still screw stuff up and I still piss and moan when I think I'm right but I'm wrong... But thats what all of you are here for. To point me in the right direction regardless of my feelings. Damn you Political Correctness!
I applaud you Piggy, for at least taking the time to care and learn. Wishing to put your name on something that is worth putting your name on to.
Like buck and the others said, focus your attention on the vanishing point. it should help guide you in the right direction. Sometimes you gotta fudge and draw some of it to fit into that, but it will look much more realistic, than just a simple flip and paste.
Sorry I don't mean to rant, but I now know why we're loosing more and more top choppers around here lately....