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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:18 pm   Reply with quote         

ooooooohhhhhhh ooooo say can u see......... by the bs thats high........what so proudly was so vio-lant-ly stink-ing.
BY the boodie's one hole....the smell climbs up your nose and gave proof into the night, that the turd was still there.
oh say can you smell........ thaaaaa--attt........ poo was freeeeeeee-hheeeeeeee-heeesssshhhhhh. For the land of the green and the home of the

Sorry that bs flag was there and dang patriotic that way......or was that pyscotic.....oh well. I was singing none the less.

Thanks Dot.....i needed that laugh. Laughing


Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:44 pm   Reply with quote         

Laughing Laughing Wink


Location: California & Idaho

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:22 pm   Reply with quote         

Dot wrote:
there's one solution that can clear this the psd files




Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:28 pm   Reply with quote         

couldb5150 wrote:



Darn! And I only needed one more square! Laughing

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Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:34 pm   Reply with quote         

dewdew wrote:
...Razz uugggghhhh i blame TA for my ears being wet...

You should be thanking me, not blaming me. Bow down, Man With Hairy Wet Ear Lobes.


Location: London

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:44 pm   Reply with quote         

Michael903 wrote:
Hi I only started this game like 3 days ago and I'm 15 years old I don't know much of the site yet..... I saw another entry that used a tutorial and so I took the images and redid them as close as possible to the ones on the site... I didn't copy and paste them I just redid them.... but think what you think.... I'm not going to do that anymore....

Redid them !! LMAO
Oh...and thanks for letting us think what we think !


Location: Tacoma, WA since march 2010, born and raised in Belgium

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:59 pm   Reply with quote         

TheShaman wrote:
couldb5150 wrote:



Darn! And I only needed one more square! Laughing

Laughing took me couple of seconds before i got it but Laughing Laughing

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:07 pm   Reply with quote         

Who's next?


Location: cheshire/uk

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:47 pm   Reply with quote         

Michael903 wrote:
Hi I only started this game like 3 days ago and I'm 15 years old I don't know much of the site yet..... I saw another entry that used a tutorial and so I took the images and redid them as close as possible to the ones on the site... I didn't copy and paste them I just redid them.... but think what you think.... I'm not going to do that anymore....

Thanks for proving what i thought originally, you assume the rest of us are gullible idiots, the only way i suppose you could clear this up quickly and simply would be if you where to post the link to the said tutorial, i mean you only found it within the last 3 days so its gonna be easy to find.



Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:49 pm   Reply with quote         

ok I have read most of this, not all, but most, and my opinion is as follows.

Michael, you never in a squabillion years 'redid' those images, unless you are expertly covering up your unbelievable talent with your other entries in your portfolio.

But with saying this, I think quite a few people have taken this a bit to far in the 'slap the new guy who has fucked up big time' stakes. We all mess up, I messed up with assistance from foolish mates waaaaaaaay back when I joined and payed big for it, and still am paying for it in relation to some members here. But thats for me to live with.

so with that in mind, I tend to feel yes, this Michael newbie has done an unspeakable wrong here, yet if he is legit, and not a random alias, then we must stand back and grant him a second chance. Otherwise we are all as helpful as most other retarded communities around the web that thrive upon knocking people down til they bleed just because they didn't read the rules and did wrong.

I am not religious, I am not the guru of the universe, but I do think we have over-reacted slightly here, and need to what is it... turn the other cheek, forgive and forget etc.

In conclusion however, if Michael is an alias, well, you can go and reverse near enough everything I have just said Laughing

Ok thats my $32.87 cents worth, spend it on whatever ya want Wink

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:00 pm   Reply with quote         

marcoballistic wrote:
... We all mess up, I messed up ...

No I didn't! Neutral Smile Very Happy Laughing


Location: London

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:03 pm   Reply with quote         

Claf wrote:
marcoballistic wrote:
... We all mess up, I messed up ...

No I didn't! Neutral Smile Very Happy Laughing

me neither !!


Location: Yorkshire,

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:03 pm   Reply with quote         


Hallcross Toots

Location: London

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:11 pm   Reply with quote         

marcoballistic wrote:
ok I have read most of this, not all, but most, and my opinion is as follows.

Michael, you never in a squabillion years 'redid' those images, unless you are expertly covering up your unbelievable talent with your other entries in your portfolio.

But with saying this, I think quite a few people have taken this a bit to far in the 'slap the new guy who has fucked up big time' stakes. We all mess up, I messed up with assistance from foolish mates waaaaaaaay back when I joined and payed big for it, and still am paying for it in relation to some members here. But thats for me to live with.

so with that in mind, I tend to feel yes, this Michael newbie has done an unspeakable wrong here, yet if he is legit, and not a random alias, then we must stand back and grant him a second chance. Otherwise we are all as helpful as most other retarded communities around the web that thrive upon knocking people down til they bleed just because they didn't read the rules and did wrong.

I am not religious, I am not the guru of the universe, but I do think we have over-reacted slightly here, and need to what is it... turn the other cheek, forgive and forget etc.

In conclusion however, if Michael is an alias, well, you can go and reverse near enough everything I have just said Laughing

Ok thats my $32.87 cents worth, spend it on whatever ya want Wink

The only thing he did was remove the labels from the egg shell and the respective reflections. I don't think he adjusted the ivy one at all.


Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!

Post Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:13 pm   Reply with quote         

Granulated wrote:
The only thing he did was remove the labels from the egg shell and the respective reflections. I don't think he adjusted the ivy one at all.

and that is the fook up Andy, I say we put this to bed now.

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