I propose a second for shaman.
Now pulling it after the thing is getting votes, Thats BULLSHIT no matter how you look at naked. Since it made it up....then was up for at least a halfday. A PM to Soze asking that he cover some booty, or loose the entry would have been the GROWN UP way to handle it. Hell i have seen Cameltoe, and boobs on many a entry.
If he would have put a person reaching into the shot with a middle finger facing the camera covering the ASS at question, would that be o.k.
And not to bust no balls here but i saw a WHITE RACE only entry in the MILO contest....hell i am WHITE, well most the time. It made me, (the one who will say anything that comes across his mind) sit back and just jaw drop. Now if i was BLACK would you pull that one. Because i live in the south.....DEEP SOUTH, and contrary to popular belief, i was raised better than that. No matter what the intention....Somethings you just don't Do. I know it's intent was not to offend anyone.......But i dont think Soze posted ASS to offend either. Now who is pulling morials here. You think that a persons ASS is more unmorial than somthing that, if seen by the Reverend Jackson would shut down the site. YOU THINGING NO-WAY. What the hell is the NAACP going to do.....YOU DON'T KNOW THE PULL A MILLION PISSED BROTHERS HAVE.
So lets Disrobe here for a min.....oohhh sorry to the card carrying clan members
I know splodge has been away.....BUT have the rest of the Mods lost thier DAMN MINDS. Hurry back Splodge.....i have a feeling you are whats keeping some here from being FOOKED WITH.
SORRY SOZE....i have a nice meatloaf entry i will share.....unless the Vegitarian MODS see it. Then i will be with YOU. In the SHITHOUSE
Sorry to who ever posted the white ONLY entry....i gotta feeling it's outta here.
but it damn sure brings out the point i was trying to convey here.
This is the DUMBEST thing i have seen here so far. Pulling a entry because of a NAKED BUTT.....SSSSSSSSSTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID, and i know the first person to reply will say.....WELL THE RULES ARE POSTED........BLAH>>>>>BLAH>>>>>>>BLAHHHHH my BIG NAKED WHITE BUTT.