rashdog wrote:
PSC FAQ wrote:
Q: What is the PSCore statistic?
A: PSCore is a ranking formula that weights and calculates one's win percentage, rank percentile per post, and votes per post (VPP). It also takes into account the changes in the voting system and site activity over time by comparing one's VPP against a floating average VPP of other users who registered at the same time or later. Please note that only users that have posted at least 10 images are eligible to ensure proper mathematical sampling.
Below is the inner workings of how it is done:
The Variables:
WP = Win Percentage
RPP = Rank Percentile Per Post
VPP = Votes Per Post
FAV = Floating Average Votes Per Post
The Formula:
PSCORE = WP + (RPP/2) + (3(VPP/FAV))

Laymen Terms...... dang'it....
proper mathematical sampling Is that sorta like Taking e=mc2 for a test drive.......because i could not get her out of first gear.......sounds like a grinding noise under the hood.
Who in the bloody blue hell came up with this formula.......Damn!!! STEPHEN HAWKINS called....He said he was lost from "PSCore is" :,And with the souped up speak-n-spell eye reader said....WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY A GAME. Its the only Impression he can do
REYREY is not better than me..

.......he chops with MSpaint.......all those images were googled.

ughhhh...yeah.....that's it.....GOOGLED. SAY HE'S LOOKING THIS WAY........and is telling scion something...............i.....i.....i need to .....ughh....MOMMY
OOOOOOHHHHHHH YEAH......MEL......i hope this helps.....that's what i am here for.......GIVING back to the community....keeping it on tha real......ohhh ughhh....IGNORE IT.