ReyRey wrote:
People know when they are being dishonest and their conscience will be their judge. Or the members will run them through the ringer. Nobody gets away with anything around here, so be honest to yourself and don't worry about dumb phrases. If you do win by cheating, it will be a hollow win with no meaning and you will know it and it won't make you proud. Judge yourself first. Do something to make yourself proud, no to make other people think you are awesome.
But what if that doesn't happen and someone gets a clean cheat out off that. What if the day that cheater win... and a good chopper stay behind on second place. May be the one on second place must have got his first win.
Its all timing....a good chopper can get in it and get depress. Whats the way to repay that???
Explaining the chop is good...I think. Say all source, only source, no reference, give links to externals, explain the external modification, brush used.
If you can make a much better image by using other outside sources, then do it!! Just make sure that your idea is the main source of that image
Tell me one thing...are you against all source chop???