By far the worst thing that can happen on a scavenger hunt is that all Tasks are send in, exept for the final two that are still in progress. And I am not working on them.
It was a load of fun working on this scavenger hunt, never thought I would have the guts to take part in such an event, but then I just closed my eyes and dove in the unknown. Now, here I sit. At my desk. With nothing else to do but wait........ for the closing time of the hunt.
One thing I did learn is NOT TO WORRY so much. I worry a lot. Being a mother, that is mandatory. But here, on my team of Salami Huff 'n Puff Jesus Project, I have learned it pays not to worry. Things will go the way they go. Up and down.
We are a scary lot, in our team. A scatterbrain female, an artistic Frenshy, a student and a very very lucky man, JKMansell, who got in a pickle with his Jeep and made us all rethink the meaning of life a little.
But, no worries, no worries. Jeeps can be mended, and JKM send photographes of the wreckage, so he's just about OK too.
And with all that behind me, I sit here at my desk. Staring at the screen, waiting for the last two tasks to be finished by two of my friends. No matter what will happen next, one thing they can't take away from us anymore. The Salami's were in Eves Loveletters first, and we were there last!
Scavenger Hunts are cool fun.
Thanks for the game, guys.