Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - MY PURSE WAS STOLEN!!! - Reply to topic
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Location: UnitedStates
Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:46 am Reply with quote
UGGGGGGGHHHHH!! I had thought about doing some chopping tonight because I haven't in a while, now I can't chop OR Shop!
merry christmas Christy!
any one had this happen?
I've canceled the credit/check cards. I'll have to get another driver's license in the morning... but what do I do about my mail? should I forward it to my work address, have them hold it at the post office, have it forwarded to a friend in town? Reason I'm wondering, they've got my address and know the cards have been canceled... and here's a clencher - my e-ticket for my christmas trip was in there, so they know those new cards will be coming soon... and I will be gone soon!
my pet's Vetco receipt from yesterday was in there showing I got their shots updated, so I hope my boarding facility will still take them.
fortunately I had my car/house keys in my pocket!
they sure got a lot of free food in the purse - 4 starbuck cards, and a jamba juice card, and about $30 cash. And a check book, rarely used - just the checks not the balance thingy.
help me! have you had this happen? how can I keep my house safe while I'm away for christmas? do I leave the car in the driveway? do I park it elsewhere?
chopper in crisis! help!!!
Location: Northern California
Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:36 am Reply with quote
I hope it wasn't you at the nike store in Milpitas... man that Señorita was pissed
I lost my wallet once... with about $500 cash and credit cards and my SSN and some numbers and my Drivers license... My insurance took care of all that 
Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:48 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: Reason I'm wondering, they've got my address and know the cards have been canceled... and here's a clencher - my e-ticket for my christmas trip was in there, so they know those new cards will be coming soon... and I will be gone soon!
I lose my credit cards every second day so I know from experience that you can't start using the replacements without first activating them. That means answering a long series of personal questions that the thieves don't have access to.
Last week, my friend had his locker at the gym broken into.
They went through his wallet and took some cash, a Visa, and a picture of his wife.
Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:53 am Reply with quote
buy a few the ones christmas lights plug into. Put them in about 3 different rooms. Plug a radio, or tv and a lamp into the timers. Set them for different times. It will appear that someone is turning things on and off through out the house.
I hope whoever stole it gets hit by a bus.  .....Merry Christmas
Location: Sunny So California
Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:32 am Reply with quote
That sucks.  I lost my wallet at World Cup 94... and was sick about it. Fortunately, by the time I made it home the person that found it had already called. He kept the $45 I had inside & mailed my wallet to me (per my request). I was just relieved to get photos, identification & cards back.
Call your local police department & fill them in on the details and request some drive-bys of your house while you're gone. Do you know of anyone that would be willing to house sit while you're away? At minimum, let trustworthy neighbors know of your concerns so they can call if anyone goes around your house.
Go to your post office and see if you can get your mail held until your scheduled return. I'd try talking to your mailman as well, and have your neighbors bring in any papers.
Good luck
Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:53 am Reply with quote
Well, you can hire me to hang out at your house; I come with several shotguns and a few cases of Coca Cola and energy drinks. Buckshot, birdshot or plugs, or a mix of the three, it's up to you.
seriously, though, sorry to hear you got robbed.  main reason my I like to carry as little as possible, and keep everything in my wallet securely in my front pocket. More comfortable there anyway... 
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: UnitedStates
Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:12 am Reply with quote
police asked how much my leather purse was worth -- I said I didn't care about the purse, the valuable stuff was in it!
I'm trying to figure out the fraud alert on the credit bureaus... read about someone finding out about the thief filling out credit forms online...
I'll go get a new drivers license tomorrow morning. I've already put a hold on all my mail - to be held at the post office until I pick it up... but my new credit cards will be in there, so guess after I get my new photo ID, I'll see if they'll let me pick up whatever is there so far.
I had a couple key rings from family trips there - bummer! and my pets shot certificate .... and worse the e-plane ticket. At least it wasn't a ticket to somewhere desirable!
just trying to figure out how to pay for things... without cash or credit... I was digging thru jars for enough to get a new license. sucks!
Location: Brisbane Australia
Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:17 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: UGGGGGGGHHHHH!! I had thought about doing some chopping tonight because I haven't in a while, now I can't chop OR Shop!
merry christmas Christy!
any one had this happen?
I've canceled the credit/check cards. I'll have to get another driver's license in the morning... but what do I do about my mail? should I forward it to my work address, have them hold it at the post office, have it forwarded to a friend in town? Reason I'm wondering, they've got my address and know the cards have been canceled... and here's a clencher - my e-ticket for my christmas trip was in there, so they know those new cards will be coming soon... and I will be gone soon!
my pet's Vetco receipt from yesterday was in there showing I got their shots updated, so I hope my boarding facility will still take them.
fortunately I had my car/house keys in my pocket!
they sure got a lot of free food in the purse - 4 starbuck cards, and a jamba juice card, and about $30 cash. And a check book, rarely used - just the checks not the balance thingy.
help me! have you had this happen? how can I keep my house safe while I'm away for christmas? do I leave the car in the driveway? do I park it elsewhere?
chopper in crisis! help!!!
Sorry to hear your news!
1. Get all mail stopped at your local Post Office for collection.
2. Ask vet to give you a cert of vaccine verification.
3. Check out Local 'House-sitters' on the web with good references. (A lot of retirees do this for a living and will give you peace of mind during your absence).
4. Advise your bank to stop any unusual transactions, inform them of your away destination address.
5. advise your insurance company of the theft, in case of any fraudulent use of your wallet contents entails you making a claim on them.
6. Invest in a titanium security wire attachment line for your next wallet... they have to take you with it if they steal it! LOL!
Stay Cool, it's a jungle out there
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:31 am Reply with quote
sorry that happened christy.... you find em i'll knock em the fuck out for ya 
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:28 am Reply with quote
WhimSea wrote: I'll have to get another driver's license in the morning...
sounds very quick...not sure its the same overhere....sorry to hear about this Whimsea anyway...
Location: New York
Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:09 am Reply with quote
If you're somewhere with snow coming down, you may want to have someone shovel in your absence. Dewdew's timer suggestion is a good one.
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Mon Dec 17, 2007 11:18 am Reply with quote
I hate to dump even more bad news. You are going to have to deal with DMV. If that wasn't bad enough, They will require a birth certificate to straighten things out. My condolences...
If the timers and house sitters seem a bit extreme, Try leaving your television set on at a moderate volume level. I learned this trick from my pop many years ago. Actually, My television never gets turned off. It's a little known fact that your tv will last forever if never turned on and off. It has to do with charging and discharging capacitors.
Once again, My condolences.
_________________ chop chop
Location: UnitedStates
Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:08 am Reply with quote
well, surprisingly my DMV visit was very quick! You had to bring in 2 forms of ID if one of them had a photo on it, otherwise 3 pieces of ID... I brought about 10!! I brought tax form from a bank, DMV registration, early voter mailer, insurance stuff... anything with any variation of my full name, showing address and hopefully SS# since I don't know where that card is (lost in the house). Birth certificate is here somewhere too, but they didn't need it. Of couse they had my photo in their files so they could look at my old photo...
I won't be getting new credit cards for 2 to 3 weeks unfortunately - that's a fine how do you do seeing it's time for shopping and travel! I was able to get some cash tho.
mail is on hold for several weeks... OH - and my eticket was NOT in the purse! Yippee! I had left on my desk at work under some other papers... But even with that person having my ID I am keeping extra care with me and my stuff!
TV on all the time, huh? don't you worry about overheating and housefire? my sister and mom even unplugged their tvs at night because of that fear. 
Location: UnitedStates
Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:11 am Reply with quote
Tawiskaro wrote: If you're somewhere with snow coming down, you may want to have someone shovel in your absence. Dewdew's timer suggestion is a good one.
dewdew shovels a lot of somethin'... well not much snow around here, but I do have a large space filled with gravel that I call the giant litter box, for obvious reasons... dewdew is welcome to come rake that sucker out from time to time! 
Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:49 am Reply with quote
I am sorry to hear about this thing Whimsea. I would def check with the social security office on any activity on your number, you may find out your working in an orchard or doing some construction work or something. Oh wait , worry about those scamming Nigerians too.
I know I know more posts with good cheer. Hope it goes well and I have been this path too and also with my cell phone ........ never did find that thing. 
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