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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:43 pm Reply with quote
Granulated wrote: deliandave wrote: What hot keys does everyone use? The only one I use regularly is the [ and ] keys to make the brush bigger/smaller.
Anyone have any "must use" shortcut keys that I should be investigating to make my choppin' faster/easier?
space bar to toggle the grabbing hand when youre zoomed in and need to move the canvas
amen....i been wondering about that....Thanks Gran
Location: Somerville MA
Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:47 pm Reply with quote
After you do an outer glow, go Layer-Layer style-Create layer ~ now you can move your outer glow on a new layer! 
Location: Back where I belong.
Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:28 pm Reply with quote
buglover wrote:
This is my personal hot key.
Merging two or more selected layers in a new layer. t's a pitty it don't works with one layer. Well it doesn't in CS2 - does it in 3?
Cheers BL
Ummm.... I fully realize that buglover kicks my sorry ass when it comes to chopping. So maybe this is a technique I'm not familiar with. But.....why would you need to merge a single layer? 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: Brisbane Australia
Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:32 pm Reply with quote
"F4 and F6, all the time as I like playing with a lot of layers and colors!" (Mac Hot Keys)
Location: Croatia
Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:43 pm Reply with quote
dewdew wrote: Granulated wrote: deliandave wrote: What hot keys does everyone use? The only one I use regularly is the [ and ] keys to make the brush bigger/smaller.
Anyone have any "must use" shortcut keys that I should be investigating to make my choppin' faster/easier?
space bar to toggle the grabbing hand when youre zoomed in and need to move the canvas
amen....i been wondering about that....Thanks Gran
Ive made a whole chapter about that on the start of page 1:
podgorski wrote: spacebar -> pan
spacebar + ctrl + click -> zoom in
spacebar + ctrl + drag selection -> zoom region
spacebar + alt -> zoom out
alt + 0 -> zoom to fit screen
alt + crtl + 0 -> zoom to 100%
spacebar + ctrl + right click -> brings up a small navigation menu with some zoom options
Does anybody read my posts? 
hzgvbzl v ,.,.gfdh.hdl,msdfh.,spš66s,.r6,žw6šsl
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:45 pm Reply with quote
The only hot key I use is the one that I heat with my lighter to melt the ice in the car door, -10 C here and I have to get to work. 
Location: Sydney
Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:07 am Reply with quote
i use far too few hotkeys, but the Spacebar pan is the most useful. i just printed out a list and will start using more of them
does anyone know, can i assign a hotkey to select the Add Anchor Point tool?
Location: Croatia
Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:18 am Reply with quote
Under the edit menu go to keyboard shortcuts. Make sure that "tools" is selected under the "Shortcut for" menu. Now you can change shortcuts for all the tools and assign new ones.
But when you select the pen tool, on the toolbar just under the menus you will see "Auto Add/Delete" check box. When enabled it will automatically add or delete points if you click on the path with the pen tool and i guess that is what you want most of the time so it will save you the trouble of changing the tool often.
hzgvbzl v ,.,.gfdh.hdl,msdfh.,spš66s,.r6,žw6šsl
Location: Sydney
Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:24 am Reply with quote
podgorski wrote: Under the edit menu go to keyboard shortcuts. Make sure that "tools" is selected under the "Shortcut for" menu. Now you can change shortcuts for all the tools and assign new ones.
But when you select the pen tool, on the toolbar just under the menus you will see "Auto Add/Delete" check box. When enabled it will automatically add or delete points if you click on the path with the pen tool and i guess that is what you want most of the time so it will save you the trouble of changing the tool often. thanks for your help podgorski 
Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe, right hand of the USA
Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:26 am Reply with quote
TofuTheGreat wrote: ...why would you need to merge a single layer?  It happens that I want to have an applied copy from a masked layer to scale it, keeping the original as resource for rescaling or changes in the mask.
Also it could be that I have used an effect witch I want to apply, cause if I would scale the object without merging for example an oultine-effect would keep his 3 pixel wide no matter if I scale the obect bigger or smaller.
Right now I create a new empty layer, select both and hit STRG+ALT+E. You also could make a copy and apply the mask, but many times I have a combination of pixel-, verctor-masks and/or effects I want to apply.
In the end: With that way I have to think less
Cheers BL
_________________ Once he was addicted to psc - Now he's dead and free.
Location: Croatia
Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:05 am Reply with quote
Just a note, you can scale layer styles if you go to image size and check the "Scale Styles" checkbox. Keeping that in mind, you can copy the layer to a new document, change the image size with layer effects and take it back to the original document. I know this isnt a time saving tip but just an idea in case youll need it 
hzgvbzl v ,.,.gfdh.hdl,msdfh.,spš66s,.r6,žw6šsl
Location: Back where I belong.
Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:59 am Reply with quote
buglover wrote: TofuTheGreat wrote: ...why would you need to merge a single layer?  It happens that I want to have an applied copy from a masked layer to scale it, keeping the original as resource for rescaling or changes in the mask.
Also it could be that I have used an effect witch I want to apply, cause if I would scale the object without merging for example an oultine-effect would keep his 3 pixel wide no matter if I scale the obect bigger or smaller.
Right now I create a new empty layer, select both and hit STRG+ALT+E. You also could make a copy and apply the mask, but many times I have a combination of pixel-, verctor-masks and/or effects I want to apply.
In the end: With that way I have to think less
Cheers BL
Ahhhh! SEE? I knew it was just another case of a better chopper knowing how to do something that I never would have thought of.
Thanks Bug! 
_________________ Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
”The mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey
Location: East Coast!
Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:10 am Reply with quote
buglover wrote:
This is my personal hot key.
Merging two or more selected layers in a new layer. t's a pitty it don't works with one layer. Well it doesn't in CS2 - does it in 3?
Cheers BL
I looked through the shortcut stuff and I can't find where to set it.
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:03 pm Reply with quote
with this key...i go to my favorites... 
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