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Location: California
Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:29 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: For a minute there I thought Anfa said tea, and biscuits, then I figured
that maybe somehow someone slipped me a Mickey and I am hallucinating all of this. I wonder if I am hallucinating this post and whether or not it will be here when my head clears........oh boy...I hope my head clears...this could be the beginning of one of those life long trips where it never goes away, and then I end up hospitalized in a mental institution for the rest of my life, but then I am hallucinating and think I am in Florida taking dips at the beach, but then crabs attack me, and inject me with mutagens from
Mississippi twoessestwoesssestwopees toxic waste run-off, and find myself eventually served on a bagel with cream cheese in a New York Deli named Hello-Dali, where I am abducted by militant buddhist monks, and carted off to the Himalayas where I buy bubble gum at the company store and find myself in the position of having become an indentured servent, milking yaks...DO YOU HAVE ANY FREAKING IDEA HOW MUCH WORK IT IS TO MAKE BUTTER FROM YAKS MILK!?!?!?!?!!?! AGGH! AGGGGH AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH~!~!~!!~!~!!~!~!!~!~!~!~!~~!
I'd like to mention that PSC is not responsible for the mental breakdowns of anyone while at this site. 
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:12 pm Reply with quote
acemanoj wrote: cemre wrote: Hiyas to everyone,
İ like that site and just registered today...
I felt the friendship and motivational athmosphere when i read the comments etc yesterday.
I wanna ask one question,
Is that etchical for me to register another 2 contests sites with same name or it is a bad thing in this community?
See you around all...
Welcome to PSC...
No problem with can use your same username on as many sites you want. At the end, its the work and not the they say..."whats in the name".....  first off welcome to psc cemre, secondly ace as most of you may find from time to time my name gets slipped int my work alot... kninda like a roofie or something  you'll have a lot of fun here 
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:16 pm Reply with quote
besides, if you use the same name we wont be accusing someone else for posting your work on other sites, this happens a lot, trust me i'm a mod 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Welcome and here's a map to help you find your way around.
*courtesy of Splodge's original map*
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:54 pm Reply with quote
where do i fall in to that diagram.... hell im brobablly the guy thats outside 50 ft away in the dark room arn't i and all i get is a meal a day and beer to keep me chopp'n 
Location: California
Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:57 pm Reply with quote
NOGOODSK8RPUNK wrote: where do i fall in to that diagram.... hell im brobablly the guy thats outside 50 ft away in the dark room arn't i and all i get is a meal a day and beer to keep me chopp'n 
No in the bathroom/thinking-room i think! 
Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:12 pm Reply with quote
Thankies for the warm welcome , you all funny lol,
So lets make it clear,
1- Anfa is in the dark side and evil miyuuuvvvvvv
2- Nobody will be angry if i post anything to somewhere
3- I will ask Eve where to go (as Eve got the map)
4- When i need hallucinating i can find ScionShade
Where was the tea and biscuits and beer ? 
_________________ There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. George Bernard Shaw
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:14 pm Reply with quote
cemre wrote: Thankies for the warm welcome , you all funny lol,
So lets make it clear,
1- Anfa is in the dark side and evil miyuuuvvvvvv
2- Nobody will be angry if i post anything to somewhere
3- I will ask Eve where to go (as Eve got the map)
4- When i need hallucinating i can find ScionShade
Where was the tea and biscuits and beer ?  it in the kitchen
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:26 pm Reply with quote
you need advantage to get to the kitchen/bar/bathroom
Location: California
Sun Jan 13, 2008 5:47 pm Reply with quote
But not to the mods they are all sitting in the drafty closet right by the front door. Take one with you they are cheap. 
Location: Yorkshire,
Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:20 pm Reply with quote
this mod runs the bar, the other mods keep anfas dark side in check and roam around the other rooms to make sure he's not leaked anywhere and look out for that anoying arse crowned/ect
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:27 pm Reply with quote
Martrex wrote: NOGOODSK8RPUNK wrote: where do i fall in to that diagram.... hell im brobablly the guy thats outside 50 ft away in the dark room arn't i and all i get is a meal a day and beer to keep me chopp'n 
No in the bathroom stinking the room up i think!  
Site Moderator
Location: South Carolina
Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:19 pm Reply with quote
Martrex wrote: But not to the mods they are all sitting in the drafty closet right by the front door. Take one with you they are cheap. 
Welcome, newcomer.
Go on...have some fun.
Location: Northern California
Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:56 pm Reply with quote
welcome.... now your soul belong to us.
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