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Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:44 pm Reply with quote
supak0ma wrote: PEACE to the world, greed is the enemy.
thanks ReinDude

Woah, supa welcome back! Did somebody ring a bell in the graveyard!? All these oldbies flying around.... WE NEED A REUNION COMP NOW!!!!!
This is great seeing all these old faces! 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:14 pm Reply with quote
Azionite wrote: ReinMan wrote: YAY! So we got the Square One, my Pal.... now all we need is (still active in a stationary way member) SAGE to get on this page and all will be well in 2008.
No, Reindude - now all we need is for showcase to show himself and tell everyone how much they suck and they don't deserve to share the same webspace with True choppers!

Ah, yes. Show has not made an appearance yet.
There is still room for more Olde Fogies
supak0ma wrote: i've never left, i lurk 
And one of the finest LURKERS you be!!! 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: Massachusetts
Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:24 pm Reply with quote
hehe! I have a new PEACE avatar that also ties into BLURKER'S CLAVD game!
Betcha didn't know some Vikings were/are Peaceniks! 
Location: New York
Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:43 pm Reply with quote
You know us old choppers....we never die, we just get a bit pixellated around the edges.
_________________ cafn8d 09/12 @ 09:41 pm
I've been there! Wow, I've been someplace Square's been! That is SO AWESO... what... the SHIV is over? oh... Well, I've still been there...
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:50 pm Reply with quote
who you callin old!! 
_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:50 pm Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: hehe! I have a new PEACE avatar that also ties into BLURKER'S CLAVD game!
Betcha didn't know some Vikings were/are Peaceniks! 
(not sure if that War Mongering Midget-Lover (not that there is ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT) from Down Udder would agree)
Square wrote: You know us old choppers....we never die, we just get a bit pixellated around the edges.
I'm not PIXELLATED. I'm GRANULATED. (hmmm... that can NOT be a good thing... right Gran?)
Showcase wrote: who you callin old!! 
Holy ShiteBoxofMoldyOldies!
Now, NOW, I can die in peace.
Howdy ShowDude!
(would it be TOO much to ask if FUGUE might drop by for a tea? Then I could die QUICKLY in peace.) 
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: who you callin old!! 
Hi Show. You old fart. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:54 pm Reply with quote
heh. Rein, we posted at the same exact time. must be destiny or sumptin.
Anyway, rather than be offended, I'll assume thats why I was ignored and give you one last chance...what with your age and all.
_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:55 pm Reply with quote
(see above ReinPost)
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:57 pm Reply with quote
Man! HTUK, Al, Square...I thought you guys were all dead (I'm glad you arent)
...and supadupa!! you're still kickin around too. wow.
...and you reindude. always makin with the nice. blech!
Anyway, Im down with the peace now...I hope I wasnt too late.
_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Showcase wrote: Man! HTUK, Al, Square...I thought you guys were all dead (I'm glad you arent)
...and you reindude. always makin with the nice. blech!
Anyway, Im down with the peace now...I hope I wasnt too late.
It's never too late for a peace.
Though .... er, um...
I'm Very Happy that y'all could come by. It ALMOST feels like old times here.
And I'm very happy that many of the Young 'uns have joined in.
(and don't worry, Show. I'll be my annoying bitter self as soon as we get done with this turgid January BlahMonth.  )
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:05 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: It's never too late for a peace.
Though .... er, um...
Speakin of being late for a peace...Where did I put that Nancers??
ReinMan wrote: (and don't worry, Show. I'll be my annoying bitter self as soon as we get done with this turgid January BlahMonth.  )
thank Oden!
I was worried you were once again trying to promote good will towards others in my absence! 
_________________ Don't be stupid
Location: A little town on the edge of Sanity
Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:26 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Showcase wrote: who you callin old!! 
Hi Show. You old fart. 
Thats better!
and of all the peace avatars, I wanted to tell you yours moves me! oh yeah, it moves me alright. thanks. 
_________________ Don't be stupid
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