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Location: Upstate South Kack-a-lack
Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:20 pm Reply with quote
This place is going to hell........everylast one of you.....o.k.... maybe not Mikey  .....but the rest are busting down the door with gasoline drawers on.
I know whats missing.'s jokes by everyone gathter round in a tight little cicle....(thats the round shape...for you non artist)....just like in kindergarden.....and DEW will tell ya a joke.
O.k.....ready...  someone tell REIN to cross his legs...i can see slap up that bath robe. That reminds me..(send note to MRS.REIN....little rein will need to wear underwear under the robe for now on. this is a school not the army..WE DON"T NEED ANYONE GOING COMMANDO....and i think it stole beckys cookie at lunch.
Now once upon a land far far away......NO not starwars.....anyway...once a man went to hell...upon arriving....the devil said,... you have a choice of how you spend your time in hell....and with that he showed him 3 doors.....The man was shocked....never had he been told about choices in hell...but....he had to chose one the devil opened the first door...and everyone was up to thier knees in shit......then the devil opened the second door.....and everyone was up to thier waste in shit.....finally he opened the third door and everyone was up to his neck in shit.....once the man saw what was behind each door he was asked to without hesitation...he responded....I"LL TAKE DOOR ONE......smiling as he walked in the room....the man thought to is great....why would anyone chose the other two doors....i mean if ya gotta be in shit.....why not just to the knees.....after about 5 mins had passed...a buzzer sounded and the intercom system came on....quitely everyone waited to here the annocement.....which said...NOW HEAR THIS......COFFEE BREAK IS OVER FOR EVERYONE IN ROOM 1...NOW BACK TO STANDING ON YOUR HEADS...
The moral of this story: Thier ain't everyone back on your heads.
Location: Hotel California
Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:43 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: BadCorpse: What's wrong with a Love Fast?
It's the way MOST of us guys do it!
SkaterPunkWeaselDude: I respect yer passion for the site. And perhaps your thread taught you a thing or two. Which means it didn't fail in the end.
(My only upset at having that thread pulled (NANCERS, YOU BEEYOTCH!!!!! (don't give me that "who, me?" look, dammit!)) was that I had a BRILLIANTLY NASTY retort to BlueLurkers dig at me. And I was rather upset that I had to PM it to him - and therefore none of you prolls had a chance to publicly witness my STUNNING ABILITY to take Blue DOWN! )
That was spot on dewdew. OK, Riendude, I'll bite. What exactly was the brillantly nasty retort after this quote? I think Kinetic chimed in, but I was falling asleep and decided I catch up on all the funny ha ha's, in the morning.
Just curious .. 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:45 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: Don't roll your eyes at me you impotent whelp!
I see what ya mean though. Yer saying nothing changed but some
attitudes have been magnified, and become more prominent.
It's like how cocaine amplifies a personality.
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:02 pm Reply with quote
So Dew what your saying is sh*t happens no matter what door you choose? 
Location: USA (but I didn't vote for the shrub.)
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:04 pm Reply with quote
Or that things that seem only mildly shitty could infact be really really shitty if you look at it upside down?
Dew is a sage. 
_________________ "Every cloud has a silver lining (except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strontium 90)."
-Kevin Holmes
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Now that you've let us down (in your mind) what are you going to do to pick us up?
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:27 pm Reply with quote
bwaaaaa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Location: Australia
Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:46 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: BadCorpse: What's wrong with a Love Fast?
It's the way MOST of us guys do it!
SkaterPunkWeaselDude: I respect yer passion for the site. And perhaps your thread taught you a thing or two. Which means it didn't fail in the end.
(My only upset at having that thread pulled (NANCERS, YOU BEEYOTCH!!!!! (don't give me that "who, me?" look, dammit!)) was that I had a BRILLIANTLY NASTY retort to BlueLurkers dig at me. And I was rather upset that I had to PM it to him - and therefore none of you prolls had a chance to publicly witness my STUNNING ABILITY to take Blue DOWN! )
I see your retort and raise you two insults and a jar of vegemite...SIR 
Location: Sydney
Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:09 pm Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: ...and a jar of vegemite... you've gone too far this time blue 
Location: Hotel California
Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Ok ReinMan, take two paces forward, turn and shoot.
... and don't miss this time. (eve, that means don't close the thread (PLEEEZZZE) until RM can show us his STUNNING ABILITY to take Blue DOWN!)

Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:33 pm Reply with quote
tadams wrote: Now that you've let us down (in your mind) what are you going to do to pick us up? im defenatly NOT standing on my head in shit and passing out hand jobs. what kinda freaky shit are you guys into anyways 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Tarmac wrote:
... and don't miss this time. (eve, that means don't close the thread (PLEEEZZZE) until RM can show us his STUNNING ABILITY to take Blue DOWN!)

I'd never close a thread...ever.
I'd rather watch them drift off into the sunset.
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