annajon wrote:
This is no fun at all, in an undercover programme on our television tonight there was talk about how easy it is to buy cocaine. Simply in the street. One of those towns was my hometown.....

And in other towns you can order it online or via telephone and it will be delivered by taxi!! What a world we are living in....
The world is so corrupt!!! If you think that is bad, come visit my neighborhood sometime, coke and crack is sold on every corner of my block..... IN THE GHETTO!!!
On the Chinese New Years I believe (around two weeks ago) two innocent people were stabbed and murdered three streets down from me...
When I first moved to this city around 8 years ago, A guy had attempted to bury his (murdered) kids in his backyard!!!!!!!!!!
3 days before Christmas this year a woman was stabbed (during the day in a crowded Mail parking lot) while she was leaving Work her Work (TGI Fridays) that happened about 5 mins down the road from where I live...
I CANT WAIT UNTIL I CAN AFFORD TO LIVE SOME WHERE ELSE. I just come home from work and lock my doors and start choppin!