I'm so tired of this, and really unhappy. I hope anyone can tell me what to do to solve my problem. Or maybe only what causes it.
Whenever I have quite large documents open the slightest thing I do causes ps to destroy my image.
Here I was working on an image sized 7680px x 5000 px, several layers, total 197mb. In this example after applying an 8.7 gaussian blur to one of the layers the corruption occured. When I hit ctrl-z the corruption dissapeared but when I applied the blur again the corruption appeared again, only on differnt places in the image.
The blocks you can see are located in the different channels, eg in my red channel this corruption comes in on differnt places then in the green channel.
It sometimes does happen that I see this type of pixel corruption on one zoomlevel but it disapears when I zoom in or out. Once I save the file the state of the corrupt pixels becomes permanent.
It's not only after a gaussian blur this happens. It could be a brush stroke, a transformation or any randomly choosen action...
Sometimes it even happens on a differnt layer then I was working on. Or in a layermask. I'm getting paranoid, constantly zooming in and out to check my images. saving my files over again and again with different names so that I can easily com back to a not corrupted version. not funny.
I'm working on a pentium 4 2600, with only 512mb, win xp, cs3. In the past I used ps cs on this same machine, on that configuration as far as I know this corruption never occured. But then I didn't chop as large images as I do now.
Could it be the ammount of ram?? (the ram itself is good, tested it several times) Strange it doesn't happen on files with smaller dimensions but lots more layers, which filesize is evenly big or even bigger then for example mentioned one.
Can anyone explain what happens and what I shoud do?