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Location: Northern California

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:18 am   Reply with quote  

I got an email from PSC as I usually do when someone sends me a PM but when I when to log in my name came up but not my password ( firefox remembers passwords ) so I typed in my password and click send but it took me to the front page and I wasn't logged in... when I went to see the address bar it had a number 2 in it... WHATS going on? did someone stole my password? Confused Confused


Location: Northern California

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:55 am   Reply with quote         

Don't worry... I'm pretty sure Procyon is taking care of it...
ohh wait...

Site Admin

Location: Toronto, ON

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:11 am   Reply with quote         

Oscar wrote:

I got an email from PSC as I usually do when someone sends me a PM but when I when to log in my name came up but not my password ( firefox remembers passwords ) so I typed in my password and click send but it took me to the front page and I wasn't logged in... when I went to see the address bar it had a number 2 in it... WHATS going on? did someone stole my password? Confused Confused

can you forward me the email? I think replying would be enough to send it to my email.

Feel free to PM me, but PM a mod if you think they can help you. If you've won a prize, contact me!

Location: Northern California

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:26 am   Reply with quote         

Procyon wrote:
Oscar wrote:

I got an email from PSC as I usually do when someone sends me a PM but when I when to log in my name came up but not my password ( firefox remembers passwords ) so I typed in my password and click send but it took me to the front page and I wasn't logged in... when I went to see the address bar it had a number 2 in it... WHATS going on? did someone stole my password? Confused Confused

can you forward me the email? I think replying would be enough to send it to my email.

Hello Oscar,

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Thanks, The Maagement

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Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:46 am   Reply with quote         

Thanks, The Maagement Rolling Eyes


Location: Hotel California

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:38 am   Reply with quote         

You've been Phished and more than likely what they wanted was the information you kept in your stored PM's. Start thinking hard about what types of information you had in the PM's, and if it involved credit card info, or passwords to your other internet activities, you might want to change things quickly. Sorry they got you Oscar .. Sad


Location: East Coast!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:02 am   Reply with quote         

the first thing you should do is change your password, quick.


Location: East Coast!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:09 am   Reply with quote         

Site Moderator

Location: North Carolina

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:18 am   Reply with quote         

Tesore wrote:
Thanks, The Maagement Rolling Eyes

That's right. We're mages.

Location: On the way to Utopia!

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:13 pm   Reply with quote         

Hahaha... that's oke than!!!



Location: Florida

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:11 pm   Reply with quote         

I has a mage Twisted Evil

for when my server with my hordies is down.

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:41 pm   Reply with quote         

how is is possible to be phush?

Can people make subdomains on their own?

Enlighten me


Location: California & Idaho

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:01 pm   Reply with quote         




Location: California

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:05 pm   Reply with quote         

couldb5150 wrote:

Some questions don't need answers! Laughing Laughing

Site Moderator

Location: connecticut

Post Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:55 pm   Reply with quote         

how come no one PMs anyone to try and resolve things on a more direct level? hmmmm


L@rue: I'm eating a bag of bbq chips and drink a cocacola

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