Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - THERE IS SO MUCH FAVORITISM IN THIS JOINT!!! - Reply to topic
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Location: Hotel California
Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:25 pm Reply with quote
I've been here for a little over two months, and as a veteran-newbie, I think all the squabbling over how to fix the forum is really a very silly waste of time. This is a community site that balances itself to present friendly open competitions. To close or anon the competitions might help in one area, but would probably also effectively close the community. More than likely, we would be less eager to share techniques with each other or help newbies learn photoshop. Closed competitions would also create pools of secrecy concerning the winning techniques, less intercommunication between us and ultimately mistrust of all others here within this fourm as we tried to cut each others throats to win.
So far, I've liked both what Marco had to say, and what was just said by Doodler.
marcoballistic wrote: I have been here for 3 years in a week or so, and I wish I had a quid for everytime this or similar topic has poped up, I would have at least £60 woo hoo
Seriously though, I think anon voting will be fine in practice for all established and quality choppers, but this will screw over newbies and choppers learning the craft. Less feedback will be given and help, and people may leave the site soon after joining in my opinion.
This site above all else is about welcoming all and helping to teach our craft we love so much.
Like Sean says this site is not perfect, and the structure is not either, but compared to many others and similar sites around the web, there is no substitute for me, and quite a few others too.
Lately there has been too much pointless bitching and weird arguements from nothing. And it is getting worse.
Where has the PSC love gone people
Oh and burn the aliases ( but in a loving way  ), they are the rash on PSC's skin.
Doodler! wrote: reality check?
1) There is an actual programmer who works for PSC? (by "works" I mean "paid by")
2) we rely on free-bee programming from members?
If the answer is 1 then you might be justified working for change.
if the answer is two.. this thread provides a very valid and yet mute point.
I am not sure why we complain... yes there are a few members that get "trash"* votes..
 deal with it
*trash = something I like and you do not.. or somebody I know and he/she posted shit.... or I feel sorry for them.. or somebody who should have done better... or they are an up and comer who had a bad week, or somebody I just cyber-loved.. or want to cyber love them
you can't fix it...
most of you talk on the "IM" and / or compare images..
you may get to know each other and form groups of friends...
we can't ban IM..
so, not even a 100% "anonymous" contest could or will solve a thing.with people talking on IM because there is more too it than that (i have been there.. and abused it as bad as anyone)
(IM is msn, AOL, ICQ or whatever)
just chop and be happy.. if you want to win... find a niche
Location: Quebec (CAN) & France
Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:33 pm Reply with quote
Micose wrote: reply to the topic:
kinda dramatic cuz thata means that my name means sthg antifamous looking for my recent scores...hopefully i dont give a shit if some of u think i use actions or sthg....I spend hours in manipulating pixels to create sthg totally new (i try) ...gor little reward in votes: 2 rows above, a copypaste job that some clever dudes say : its enough for a good rate in PSC u know ...let me laugh guys, i know what i did thats a revolution!' hahahaBut I disagree with the violent way u consider the problem: WE ARE LUCKY TO BE ABLE TO EXPRESS DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTS WITH PHOTOSHOP, WE HAVE TO BE PROUD OF THAT Time to time an expressiv/surreal job can get sthg like 50-60 votes, rarely more...Means that is sthg usually less that a more 'advert style chop...YOu know what i mean, cuz u people must admit that there have been some changes , some opened minded and skilled people that managed to bring a bit of "soul" in this site for 2 years. I always so the same oldies whining about the directions of site of a so called lower quality than 3 years ago...but let me tell u this straight : this doesn't work either! Been boycotted more tan once myself, and I prefer to appreciate the next day...okay...such piece I KNOW is good at many levels won't be accepted tomorrow....but I know how much changings have been here for several minths/years and THAT THE SITE HAS REACHED A CERTAIN POINT of BALANCE... the only issue i have is the very random fashion, mass unconsciensness's movements, fluctuant waves of voting etc.... welll not really an issue fits my schizoïd personallity very well......
now go do some personal homework and make mney with some kikass illustrative jobs instead of being pissed by what happens in our communauty...ull see things clearer then...ull still do ur own personal shit like i do and time to time shows u are able to do some ad'classic manips and win a price or two...;(ull have to be clever and do just like Marco (no offense i admire that a lot Mark) picking often the RIGHT CHOICE to have a chance to win a contest (this aint because Mark is kind with newbs and with others in general but because he is a smart ass and does the right chance and KEEPS a part of creativity most of the time)...If u think u dont win enough its maybe just like me, because and what i fuking want and what it is ? its sthg that i share only with myself and im glad if i haev some cool feedback about it...but its easy to "feel" what could win this or that day....easy....for me its just harder to stick some very narrative picture (dont like the word ABTSRACT or REAL) and i tend , after that the classic chopping done, to continue to experiment, knowing that my goal is to work the "picture" itself, i like the pixels , i like the feeling thru synapses , the violence ofmore than i like what tells a picture...people like stories...i use the contests to train everyday on my techniques cuz i would be maybe too lazy to do it without them...thats cool...learnt a lot here without paying a school...all i like.But i admit u can be pissed of easily by internet but well u suffer less than in real life i hope...  (i mean IF u suffer in real life...if not dont find some problems with this dam computers, evbdy could live without all this crap easily)
digitalpharaoh wrote:
Naiko's NEVER talked THAT much.
Location: Someday I'll be home for good.
Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:34 pm Reply with quote
I agree to make the votes to only 10 per contest. 25 votes are not even enough for those who are voting and expecting returns (can't blame anyone but the system). If each has only 10 votes then 'expected returns' would not be as effective. I'd rather improve my chops to get more votes than relying on 'expected returns' since there are only 10 of them,  .
Simply put, 25 votes only give way to friendly voting. It makes us vote for the first 5-10 best then give the rest to those who'll vote us in return. Am I guilty of this? But I always believe that whoever get my vote deserves it. If I was given 50 or 100 votes to cast, it's 'MY' vote. Who can cast the first stone?  :
With less votes to cast, I agree with Vokaris to give the NA members one day head start (contest/voting start 1 day after the source is made public. But is this good for the business?) for a fair chance.
There's no harm in experimenting till we get the right formula.
Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box
Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:23 am Reply with quote
man i've been reading this thread all day... i can't help but think it was possibly started because of my win today... but in fact it was a tie, but i won because of default entry settings. now i feel guilty for that. i don't think i should feel guilty but i do.
hell i wasn't even gonna enter that comp because i had no creative idea for it. then anna pm'd me w/ the theme for the (TCM) deal. i looked at the source and was like sure i'll try it and of course i threw in a snowboarder because i sk8 and snowboard.
you all know i have done my ranting and raving around here. i get a lot of pm's from diff. members telling me i should do this i should do that... some in helpfull ways as far as improving my images... others like why didn't you put your full potential in to that etc...i appreciate that very much so
i love getting that drive and the push to move forward... sure i vote for friends and theres a lot of times i don't vote for friends and we talk and what not. you get the point. i've even started a thread on underrated psc members as to bring light to them for this very reason this thread was started.
i agree w/ mark dudeler and tarmac. if you take away the fact of people knowing each other all the pm's and shit will find a way to still have an influience of some sort. but if all annon contest happened the community would die.
i love this site because of the community that was the main reason i joined here after looking at the other sites. i belong to no other photo manipulating site. i have checked them out and i also enter into contest held by sites not of psc nature ( i hope that makes sense ). i love you all and this site and as i've said before... you guys are a home away from home and a great community.
before i was here i was waisting my time on myspace. at least here i'm doing something i like and being creative and learning. i do vote for newbies in hopes of giving them a nice welcome to this site. i don't vote for all of them in fact sometimes i wish i had more than 25 votes to give.
i always vote my 25 votes w/ the exception of a few contests. even when i don't enter into that comp that is running. it is nice to get votes, friendly comments, incouragement etc. the only thing that i would change about the site is that if a tie happens than the other person should get the same reconition as the other. i've had that happen to me and ties arn't the 1st time happining here many have gotten 2nd due to that reason so instead of getting labeled as a 2nd place it should be labeled as a tie for 1st ( again i hope that makes sense ) some of us don't realize how well we have it good here... now i'll S T F U A C.
PSC is like a gang... i got beat in... if i leave... they'll beat me off!!!
Paul Von Stetina
Location: Deep Shit
Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:42 am Reply with quote
Don't feel bad for a second, that was a solid chop, you know it's a winner when you say to yourself, "damn! why didn't I think of that!" it was clearly the best chop of the comp NG 
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:56 am Reply with quote
ooooooh I wish I could find the thread that that fake me was made for, basically Osc, it was made to make it look like me and that log in was going round about 2 an a half years ago saying all kinds of sh*t to make it look like I was going nuts and calling everybody all kinds of unrepeatable utterances.
They very cleverly used my avatar of the time, all posts have been removed by mods unfortunately, but glad to see the very good (sarcasm incuded) not like me entry remains. The funny thing was, it fooled quite afew people for a few moments, because the only differance is a space at the end of the log in to mine.... clever, give the person responsable a gold star
ahhhh Now continue burning the aliases
Location: Space
Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:47 am Reply with quote
I just tuned in.. I've been sick and this is still goin on.. Damn I didn't miss much.. Err death to humans and on with my alien friends.. Fuck it all and fuck'n no regrets.. this time lets all smile as the edge of sunshine on our sholder sets, and we begin to dance the sarmonial dance of black magic.. onto the ring of fire and pray these evil mortals away..... MuAhAhaHa..!!! I Shun THEE... Will Someone ever listen or make it stop...PLEASE
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:58 am Reply with quote
I like marco  he has always been a nice virtual friend to me!
Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:21 am Reply with quote
Pulls up a chair...grabs some popcorn...dims the lights...and waits for the show to start. Would someone tell the people whining in the back row to STFUAC.
Oh!..and please silence is golden...please keep your cell phones off.
Thank you
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - THERE IS SO MUCH FAVORITISM IN THIS JOINT!!! - Reply to topic
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