dewdew, just make a bigger thong...for the potato in the back.

potato???...that's not a potato....that's a hemorrhoid....those hills are murder....dang thing hangs out like a cauliflower...
Hey those Anfa britches are awsome....Everyone should go big on the image....looking at the small pic does not show you the great detail...

We don't have to step our game up to that level do we??.....because that would not be a step for me.....it would be a blind, flying, leap. I don't run across many things done in PS that leave me in AWE...but this and REY's Chrome are Two that really make me realize....i don't have a clue of what PS can do.....but instead of bringing me down.....it makes me YEARN TO LEARN....at 36y.o. I don't get that feeling as much as when i was younger..

..no not that feeling...the learn one....STAY WITH ME...i'm going somewhere with this.
I would like to see everyone that has a membership here at psc.....advantage or not....chop in this contest....EVEN ANFA....and yes SPLODGE...you too....and pull BILLTV out from behind that vote rejection machine he is running....he has to chop too..BLUE...come out....i know your behind that couch..

.I know we newbies have a long roe to hoe...and i am going to hoe that roe...if i have to do it with my finger nails.....but..i could have looked through Anfa's portfolio 1000 times and never saw the greatness in this chop...These contest can become so mundane ...i guess we become lazy in a way...or uninspired....and i know it's not up to ya'll to inspire the pee'ons....but dag gum'it....we drowning.....DROWNING i'm telling ya........i got water on the TABLET now....i expect the circuits to blow any minute....so if this is inte..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................rupted.....sssshhhheeeeeeewwwwww that was a big one......i don't know how much longer we can.....................................................................................................................................................................well i hope your all proud...(takes off hat and places over heart).....CUE TAPPS DAM_MIT