Hmmm this is a tough one, lets see, back in 78 I had a real job repairing furniture, and one day, I got there at 6AM in the dark, and left at @ 7PM in the dark, and I had realized that I missed the whole day without seeing the sun, so I quit, after that, I don't know what happened, but people figured out that I knew how to make anything and everything out of wood (mostly), I also do a lot of masonry, like stone/marble work, etc, so I end up doing a lot of Bathrooms, Kitchens, yuk...
I mostly enjoy working on Yachts, they offer me the biggest challenge and it pays pretty good, I might be going to Brazil early next month to work on a 100'+ yacht. It is nice having my workshop downstairs, and my Svinging bachelor pad up above, not sure how much longer that I'll be single though...this boy is in love
One of many before, during, and afters...
Bathrooms suck, a real pain in the arse, and I'm in the middle of one right now