Never thought I would be writing one of these
I’ve been here a long time as a lurker I found fark fun and then this place popped up and I use to lurker here as well, only really started chopping 5 years ago no training, just did it. I learnt more in my first year here than any teacher or book could show me, I listen to those that had the knowledge checked out there tuts and there web sites. 5 years down the track Im working for myself creating art work and doing logos and restoring pictures doing shit I never dreamed I was able to do. All because of PSC, and the people that took the time out to teach and make it fun to learn. I say Thank You to you all.
(On a side note here) I’m a qualified electrical technical robotics engineer with a degree in electronics, would make more money doing that but after 28 years I needed something else. Yet I digress.
Look if your new here and full of great ideas and changes and all that shit mixed together, that’s great, like so many other youngins,
now I say youngins not as an insult but because to me ya all youngins, at least give it some respect. This place has produced some top rate choppers that you guys have never seen. People like occecid, metalic, arcaico, kencd7, jasper, ledirlo, Hellekro, dewking and deshone just to name a few. It would be worth your wild to check out there profiles. Ya see they won their contest when the votes were small no advantage and the source was what you got, none of this voting for it like now and 1 month to do your chop. Its all a lot easier now days to make the 1000 votes club or the 5000 votes club, even I benefited from the extra votes.
Then there was the people with heart that came here to have fun and along the way make some friends, Splodge the keeper of the knowledge, Chopper with his quizzes, Reindude with his style of fun, leifs quick drawing contests, Patre and his wonderful comments even Scionshade with his say it how it is, and so many others with there own style of fun. So many people tried to make things fun here instead of demanding some one do it for them. Icon contests, pirate day, family chopograph, pimping out a chopper all these fun things just happened because people wanted to make it happen. Nothing more nothing less it just got done.
Check out our tuts section, all free and from users here that just did it no payment or shit they just got up and wrote em. We have moderators that work behind the scenes day in and day out doing what they do and asking for nothing in return.
Don’t get me wrong there was still bitching and whining but it was a little more positive and joking in its method and yes even a little derogative at times but people took it for what it was. Not like now with all this
“place sucks” and
“I don’t get votes” and
“its elitist” and of course the new favourite of late
“I’m bored with just chopping” I don’t understand it and I don’t think I want to. (Guess most will think this is a bitch post as well)
It lost its heart, and well I now believe it will never get it back, to many changes to much competition to much me not enough us. I know some will say I don’t like change and in some ways that true I’m an old fart and like things to stay stable. I love PSC but I don’t like what it is becoming and where it is heading, the fun has left and been replaced with something different that I don’t understand. Its a me thing I know but well I am who I am wont change that.
New things like
trolls and
flaming and
flamewars and shit like that, it may be cool but what does it prove, to me its like the old school yard and who's gang is bigger, I’m to old to learn about and don’t want to.
Maybe I’m being over sensitive, but I just don’t understand where its going, so I’m taking off my fellow choppers and chopperettes. I don’t enter contests any more and I don’t vote as much as I use to. Other than the great friends I have made here and the chat room, there is nothing to keep me here every day. I need to step back and find some thing other than PSC for an outlet. I will be back but just not as active any more.
(This is not a chopper Im going thread Scion ok
So to all my good friends and those that think of me as their friend I say get me on msn or email me. I will still pop in to chat from time to time.