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Location: Oregon
Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:43 am Reply with quote
oh, and the midgets..............................
they are the light at the end of the tunnel....................
they are the wind beneath our wings....................
they are what makes us stand in a circle and sing Kumbaya.............
they are the Holy Grail of a......uh.......  .....of what you do when you have lime jello....... 
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
Location: australia
Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:07 pm Reply with quote
Welcome colleagues , we gather here so say goodbye to a friend. I remember the first time I met Blue, we were at midget fest 96, I was kneeling down with shoes strapped to my knees, alas Blue was as sharp as a pin and saw through my sorry attempt to impress.......
Mate, I feel your pain and understand your decision. You know I will stay in touch. (hell come back and vote on the odd occasion I enter a chop so perhaps one day I can win my first frackin contest)
I find it weird however with the timing of the release of underbelly and subsequent banning, I feel there is more to this story. Good luck Blue....or shall I say Carl Williams*.
Love you mate.
*look it up non Aussies.
Site Admin
Location: Toronto, ON
Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:56 am Reply with quote
If you're in Sydney some time in the next few weeks let me know! Don't forget to come back from time to time. Bye bye!
_________________ Feel free to PM me, but PM a mod if you think they can help you. If you've won a prize, contact me!
Location: Massachusetts
Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:00 am Reply with quote
annajon wrote: _________________
[PSC] lost its heart, and well I now believe it will never get it back, to many changes to much competition to much me not enough us. - Blue Lurker 3/27/08
Life is nothing without friendship. - Cicero
as cafs siggy says.....
I would still object to the to much me not enough us.....
Maybe it should have read: Too many good ideas for US... not enough people to work through them to make that all happen....?? Yes? (etc...)
Um... No.
You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. Here is mine:
[soapbox rant] I don't see that ideas for changing the site itself have much to do with the issue of the "me" mentality. It's certainly it's own debate, time and time and dead horse again. In my opinion, most of the newbies saying things are flawed have not been here long enough to give the current system a chance, nor have they thought through (nor could they know, due to lack of experience here) the full implications such changes would bring. EVERY voting system, for instance, can be manipulated and is therefore flawed, some even more so than the one we have.
Much of the selfishness problem, as I see it, is that many people make loads of demands but will not put in any of their own effort to give anything back. For instance, people whine that they are "bored" and we aren't having enough extra games, but rarely does anyone take the responsibility and make the effort to actually set up a game. Many people are great with ideas for games and activities but VERY SELDOM will anyone actually step up and DO it, whatever it is. (Lobbying for reunion contests is exempt from this rant as administrative access to all users' e-mails is required as part of getting it set up. Keep lobbying Proc, guys! --oh, HI, Proc!  )
And when someone DOES set something up, more often than not, the thread and that person's PM box get filled up with "ideas, " complaints, and demands: from "It should be done this way instead," to "What's the prize / is that all," to "Who made you the judge / Why wasn't I picked" and "Who are you to do this," etc, etc, etc... And I'm not exaggerating. Ask Eve; ask Blue Lurker; and there were even some stupid (my opinion) gripes on the TCM game that made LTZ quit it completely. (Kudos to Anna for keeping it up!) Why these ingrates can't just either participate or leave it alone so others can participate in peace is beyond me. And NONE of these people who think they can do better has YET to set up their OWN game or activity.
And that is but ONE symptom of how selfish this community in general has gotten, the ME mentality that was part of the quote I took from Blue.
I'll try not to get going too much on voting and contests. "Friends" pressuring "friends" (including me) to justify how they spent their votes disgusted me so much that I quit voting. You are WRONG if you don't vote how they see fit, it seems. And so many people can't take any constructive criticism; they aren't even interested in learning anymore. Some are so set on votes and winning, a few have even thrown tantrums if any flaws they could fix in their entries are pointed out during an open contest. ME! ME! ME! MINE! MINE! MINE!
(Never mind the general over-sensitivity and lack of much sense of humor anymore, or the various other symptoms of the "ME mentality" one could point out... This rant is more than long enough.  )
Blue Lurker hit the nail on the head.
And no, what I've described is certainly not true of everyone here. But there is a saying: even one rotten apple spoils the bunch. And yes, I've kept my feelings bottled up for a very long time. [/rant]
SUPER KUDOS and HIP! HIP! HOORAY! TO REYREY FOR RESURRECTING THE OLD H2H DUELS! I am watching with great interest for the potential benefit to this site. I admit, I am not currently in a position to be able to plan to chop in any one given week, so don't anyone think about challenging me, and I won't challenge you... I'll just keep cheering from the peanut gallery. ReyRey, if there's anything I can do to help out, just let me know.
I had HIGH hopes for Blue Lurker's Grab-a-Guru concept, too... I hope it won't die out completely! Gurus, is there anything I can do to help?
I was taking a semi-break from PSC, but these are both POSITIVE and HOPEFUL projects that I want to encourage and would be happy to help with if I can.  [struggles down from soapbox... I'm getting too ungainly for this.  ]
Location: Location, Location.
Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:24 am Reply with quote
kinetic_be wrote: Alright, I'm going to use this topic to make a fool of myself by asking 2 (probably idiotic) questions.
1: What does STFUAC stands for? (shut the f*ck up . .) AC ??
2: What is it with PSC and midgets-requests... ?

Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:48 am Reply with quote
cafn8d wrote: annajon wrote: _________________
[PSC] lost its heart, and well I now believe it will never get it back, to many changes to much competition to much me not enough us. - Blue Lurker 3/27/08
Life is nothing without friendship. - Cicero
as cafs siggy says.....
I would still object to the to much me not enough us.....
Maybe it should have read: Too many good ideas for US... not enough people to work through them to make that all happen....?? Yes? (etc...)
Um... No.
You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. Here is mine:
[soapbox rant] I don't see that ideas for changing the site itself have much to do with the issue of the "me" mentality. bla bla bla..............  ]
And there you missed the point of what I was saying totally..........
I was suggesting that I have, time and again, read forums from people who would love to do funny stuff, extra curricular activities inside the PSC main activities, so to speak.
Where did the PSC Scroll go? Grefix does not seem to be around anymore.
When will we have the H2H?
There are 12 months in the year, and only two are used for specialy special events.
ScavengerHunt at the end of the year, and H2H in Spring.
These events bring people together. But after then in the rest of the year we are only doing the competition stuff, and boredom sinks in quickly.
There is a little group that has a Friday Ideaman competition inside the normal competition, where we submit a photoshop challenged by the previous winner. And that works for a few people.
Now we have Anfa's Pants, but that is actually no different from our TCM (Friday Ideaman competition).
That is what I mean. When people say, maybe we can do this or that.... Most people write "oh, I don't know what you have written, its way too long..." and then they go on complaining there is no fun around here.
So, people like to complain around PSC. That's a fact. Perhaps we should have a monthly competition in which we use an image on a specified day, that we can photoshop into our pet greefs. Monthly complain your hearts out day.....
Or make one day each month to create birthday cards.
Or have the best of the best go in a competition on realy wierd or wonderful (3D) desktop images.
See what I mean? Nothing about changing the site, o contraire, I want to have more challenges. One every month at least. And on different levels, like somebody suggested in advantage chat not long ago. Something where those realy best of the best can sink their teeth in, with only three points to give away on no matter how many entries there are.
* Stepped down from the soapbox *
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:12 am Reply with quote
jasper wrote: kinetic_be wrote: Alright, I'm going to use this topic to make a fool of myself by asking 2 (probably idiotic) questions.
1: What does STFUAC stands for? (shut the f*ck up . .) AC ??
2: What is it with PSC and midgets-requests... ?

Location: Massachusetts
Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:24 pm Reply with quote
annajon wrote: cafn8d wrote: annajon wrote: _________________
[PSC] lost its heart, and well I now believe it will never get it back, to many changes to much competition to much me not enough us. - Blue Lurker 3/27/08
Life is nothing without friendship. - Cicero
as cafs siggy says.....
I would still object to the to much me not enough us.....
Maybe it should have read: Too many good ideas for US... not enough people to work through them to make that all happen....?? Yes? (etc...)
Um... No.
You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. Here is mine:
[soapbox rant] I don't see that ideas for changing the site itself have much to do with the issue of the "me" mentality. bla bla bla..............  ]
And there you missed the point of what I was saying totally..........
I was suggesting that I have, time and again, read forums from people who would love to do funny stuff, extra curricular activities inside the PSC main activities, so to speak.
Where did the PSC Scroll go? Grefix does not seem to be around anymore.
When will we have the H2H?
There are 12 months in the year, and only two are used for specialy special events.
ScavengerHunt at the end of the year, and H2H in Spring.
These events bring people together. But after then in the rest of the year we are only doing the competition stuff, and boredom sinks in quickly.
There is a little group that has a Friday Ideaman competition inside the normal competition, where we submit a photoshop challenged by the previous winner. And that works for a few people.
Now we have Anfa's Pants, but that is actually no different from our TCM (Friday Ideaman competition).
That is what I mean. When people say, maybe we can do this or that.... Most people write "oh, I don't know what you have written, its way too long..." and then they go on complaining there is no fun around here.
So, people like to complain around PSC. That's a fact. Perhaps we should have a monthly competition in which we use an image on a specified day, that we can photoshop into our pet greefs. Monthly complain your hearts out day.....
Or make one day each month to create birthday cards.
Or have the best of the best go in a competition on realy wierd or wonderful (3D) desktop images.
See what I mean? Nothing about changing the site, o contraire, I want to have more challenges. One every month at least. And on different levels, like somebody suggested in advantage chat not long ago. Something where those realy best of the best can sink their teeth in, with only three points to give away on no matter how many entries there are.
* Stepped down from the soapbox *
Missed your point?! You just proved mine! If you had bothered to read the rest of my post, maybe you would have seen you just said the same thing I did. Maybe you wouldn't have then also added your own complaint at the lack of activities and just STARTED one instead of the same old whine "there should be more." Go back and read the rest of my post, Anna.
Btw, I even gave you props for continuing the TCM thread after naysayers got LTZ to quit. You might have also seen that, if you had bothered to read.
Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:58 pm Reply with quote
@ Caf
I am so totally sorry that I got so very sidetracked by my own thoughtprocess again.... talk about ranting without reason....
That is how all the misunderstanding starts, you read something, get hung up on a word or two and then the rest of what you read won't sink in anymore.
Good, we zip both of our forum entries into one and then ask people to add new ideas to that. A new new project..... 
Location: Belgium
Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:05 pm Reply with quote
Come on people, lets get it together and get over this Nuck Fut of a hill...
I'm starting too bore of the forum posts always about the same crap,voting this, voting that, You don't listen,I don't listen,moan moan moan...
I reckon that the forums should be entirely closed down and fully controled content wise by the Mods, so if some one wishes to start a new game or has something photoshop related they can request it from the Mods, in that way no one can start some random no point moan about what ever.
See folks not every one is interested about how you didn't get votes or what ever. So pipe it down and concentrate on whats the point of this website. Photoshop.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:09 pm Reply with quote
If I were a mod this thread would be gone.
Aside from that, the ongoing joke...
The pretending to misunderstand someones statement then arguing against it by proving your agreement with said argument holds no comedy value for anyone but the poster. Such posts would be deleted on sight.
The other ongoing joke....
Long irrelevant rants that don't even have a possibility of
being an inside joke, making a point, or contain relevance to topic would be immediately deleted.
Third ongoing joke...
Personal attacks that do not reference a specific target by name, but by description, making it clear who is being personally attacked would be immediately deleted.
Fourth ongoing joke....
Personal attacks would be deleted. "GETTING PERSONAL" is a line every last one of you knows when you cross it.
Fifth...arguing over a post being deleted, whether a contest image or in forums would receive immediate deletion of all arguments.
Attempts to continue to get your point across by any means would
result in immediate suspension of account for one week if I had the power to do it.
Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:38 pm Reply with quote
Well ScionShade, the great know it all...... where are your ideas to make this site fun again, beside the clean up you just did?
Have any good ideas for a contest? A new take on an old theme? Because that is what this is all about. Not what you were ranting about, see?
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Soapbox time - This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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