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Location: Northern California

Post Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:37 pm   Reply with quote         


ohh crap I'm all alone in this page Confused


Location: Back where I belong.

Post Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:33 pm   Reply with quote         

nancers wrote:
Welcome to the site. If you run into our member named "Chicken" very fast.

Don't look back, either. Laughing

Nancers tells all the women that so that she can keep Chicken to herself. Laughing

Why I do believe it's pants-less o'clock! - Lar deSouza
�The mind is like a parachute, it doesn�t work if it isn�t open.� - Frank Zappa
Created using photoshop and absolutely no talent. - reyrey


Location: hum let me think, oh i know, if you look real hard i sometimes appear in your forum's text box

Post Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:40 pm   Reply with quote         

Martrex wrote:
Then there is that guy named Oscar who claims to run the place. He's not all there just humor him it's easier that way! Shocked Laughing
i've found that if you moon him he runs away... but thats just me Shocked ok i'll go back to my spot at the bar Laughing


Location: Holland

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:20 am   Reply with quote         

nancers wrote:
Welcome to the site. If you run into our member named "Chicken" very fast.

Don't look back, either. Laughing

Thanks ...
putting on my running shoes, just in case Wink

Oscar wrote:

Hi I'm the site admin and I want to welcome you to the site. Take a look around and enjoy your stay.

Thanks ... It is a great site and I've already met some nice people ...
and someone told me to look out for a chicken Laughing

Martrex wrote:

Then there is that guy named Oscar who claims to run the place. He's not all there just humor him it's easier that way!

What is it with you guys and running ?
Just kidding. A nice and crazy bunch is just what I'm looking for!

Oscar wrote:

ohh crap I'm all alone in this page

Sorry, don't know where you're from, but I think it has to do with some timezones ... or that running I'm supposed to do .. or not ... hmmm Laughing

TofuTheGreat wrote:

Nancers tells all the women that so that she can keep Chicken to herself.

In that case I will start running a bit later. Will check him out first then Wink


i've found that if you moon him he runs away... but thats just me ok i'll go back to my spot at the bar

... and we all keep on running ... Laughing
right to the bar where we all meet again! Cheers


Location: Hotel California

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:52 am   Reply with quote         

Enjoy your journey.


Location: Holland

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:42 am   Reply with quote         

Tarmac wrote:

Enjoy your journey.

Thanks, the sign I have been looking for Wink


Location: central PA

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:42 pm   Reply with quote         

I have been checking out this site for a while. I teach my 6th grade students how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements. We use it for some simple art projects so that students get experience with the computer as an art medium.

I love the chops I see here and hope I can try my hand at it. I am such a beginner that I am slightly intimidated. But I will give it a try.


Location: Holland

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:56 pm   Reply with quote         

iamkaren wrote:
I have been checking out this site for a while. I teach my 6th grade students how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements. We use it for some simple art projects so that students get experience with the computer as an art medium.

I love the chops I see here and hope I can try my hand at it. I am such a beginner that I am slightly intimidated. But I will give it a try.

I jumped right in as I think I can only learn by actually doing it and make mistakes. Yes, there are some very good choppers here, but maybe they can, will and like to help us get better. At first it's intimidating indeed, but once you jump in and start swimming it will get better. At least that's my experience. And no, I don't think I'll ever be as good as some, but I do have fun working on the different photo's and that's important as well.


Location: central PA

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:39 pm   Reply with quote         

So have you entered one of the contests? What program do you work with? I'm really not even sure where to start.


Location: Holland

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:59 pm   Reply with quote         

iamkaren wrote:
So have you entered one of the contests? What program do you work with? I'm really not even sure where to start.

Yes, although I am not an advanced member and therefore I am relatively late entering, but it is a good learning experience and really fun.

I am using Photoshop CS and I don't know where to begin either. First inspiration and then execution and lots of times I get hopelessly stuck, but it does motivate me to continue and try re-creating tutorials etc.

It is very difficult for me to know where to go next or what to try or challenge myself. Finding this site and just entering the contest is a great way of challenging myself and learning along the way as well. Just by watching other pictures, especially people including sources and steps, you get ideas and if I don't know how to do something I will search for some tutorials. Only time will tell how my curve goes ....

Sorry, I can't help you more.
Beginner myself and only time will tell if I am on track or not Wink


Location: California

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:11 pm   Reply with quote         

iamkaren wrote:
So have you entered one of the contests? What program do you work with? I'm really not even sure where to start.

Some use PS different levels from elements, to older versions of PS to some using PS3. I'm sure a few other htings are used out there. I myself use PS3.

Here is a good start a special Memorial day contest but you get extra time to access the original. Now nonmembers won't be able to actually enter(post) it till the day of May 1st. But will have it to work on ahead of time. Other wise normally the nonmembers get the image the day of competition starting and have 3 days till it ends.It can be posted by non members anytime in those 3 days. Paying members do get the images a month ahead and can enter them as such. Also their originals are larger. As is the k limit on gif entries!

Best way to try is jump in and hold on. In 7 days I will be here a year. Back then i never thought I would ever get anywhere near the top, let alone win place or show. But have done each and learned a few things along the way. there is good people here who will help when asked or some when not!

So have fun!


Location: central PA

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:15 pm   Reply with quote         

No, you are helpful, Smile thanks for your encouragement. did get to see your two entries, they are cool. I'm still figuring out how this site works. I will just play around. thanks

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:30 pm   Reply with quote         

Oh my this is scary to think of the language and the adult humor we have here is being viewed by 6th graders, I think I am a bit shocked. Then again, they probably know more than I know. Wink


Location: Holland

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:43 pm   Reply with quote         

Martrex wrote:
iamkaren wrote:
So have you entered one of the contests? What program do you work with? I'm really not even sure where to start.

Some use PS different levels from elements, to older versions of PS to some using PS3. I'm sure a few other htings are used out there. I myself use PS3.

Here is a good start a special Memorial day contest but you get extra time to access the original. Now nonmembers won't be able to actually enter(post) it till the day of May 1st. But will have it to work on ahead of time. Other wise normally the nonmembers get the image the day of competition starting and have 3 days till it ends.It can be posted by non members anytime in those 3 days. Paying members do get the images a month ahead and can enter them as such. Also their originals are larger. As is the k limit on gif entries!

Best way to try is jump in and hold on. In 7 days I will be here a year. Back then i never thought I would ever get anywhere near the top, let alone win place or show. But have done each and learned a few things along the way. there is good people here who will help when asked or some when not!

So have fun!

Thanks for the info ...
Yep, jumping in and just doing it works for me. Let's see where it takes us Twisted Evil

iamkaren wrote:
No, you are helpful, thanks for your encouragement. did get to see your two entries, they are cool. I'm still figuring out how this site works. I will just play around. thanks

Found a sign somewhere Wink
The site contains a lot of info and it's just a matter of navigating through. Asking usually gets me wandering in the right direction ... and sometimes I just wander off Laughing

manic_d wrote:
Oh my this is scary to think of the language and the adult humor we have here is being viewed by 6th graders, I think I am a bit shocked. Then again, they probably know more than I know.



Location: central PA

Post Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:15 pm   Reply with quote         

manic_d wrote:
Oh my this is scary to think of the language and the adult humor we have here is being viewed by 6th graders, I think I am a bit shocked. Then again, they probably know more than I know. Wink

Yes, you are right they probably do know more than you. Laughing BUT no they are not on this site, at least not in my class. I use Adobe elements with them to create art. They have taken Mona Lisa and transformed her (basketball player,clown, police officer, etc) We have also made Warhol style self portraits. Their skills and mine are very rough but we are learning. I thought entering contests would help me improve my skills.

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