Oscar wrote:
Hey cherylm you forgot to mention the other manips too, you know, the ones that don't have anything from the source but all externals.
yeah those are the ones that get couple votes, votes of shame.
BUT.....BUT......do you know how hard i had to work to whore those votes?....all day long in higheel's is hell on the feet. Not to mention the knee

......uugghhhh......i mean you can't let a little thing like "THE SOURCE" stand in ya way of great choppiness.

..That's called creative use of the source. Chopping at it's best for sure.
Scion's is bigger...

.....you can't measure it like a cat tail. (some will know what this is...some will not

).....but for the one's who don't. Cat tails are measured from the butthole to the tip.