I refuse to comment on this thread.
It is
So instead I'll comment on my (somewhat new) Mac Powerbook Pro...
In of itself, being only a laptop, one might put forth the idea that a Mac Powerbook Pro really has little to offer above the average Sony VAO or HP BungJabber 2000. After now owning and using the newer generation Powerbook Pro for over a month I am here to tell you that the very ESSENCE of computing elegance is deeply embedding in this fine pedigreed collection of silicone and dried coffee remnants.
Upon first look, the PRO seems to be very little more than a titanium covered version of the more "girly" white Powerbook, or a stainless steal clad work-up of the somewhat EVIL, Darth-Vader's Personal Computer-ish black Powerbook. Let it be said here, and echoed from the Majestic British Columbia Mountains: this is not accurate.
In fact, the "Pro" is more than a notch or two up from the "regular" Powerbooks (in of themselves fairly wonderful units of computing fun). The PRO leaps ahead with its sexy sexy sexy self in ways that are too complicated and mysterious for me to enlighten you, dear reader. Rest assured that you don't need to KNOW why the PRO is so much better, you just need to BELIEVE.
It is also true that, with the simple addition of a single vowel (that you do NOT have to buy from Vanna) and a simple re-working of the letter order, the PRO proudly states the pronoun POOR. This you may become aprez purchase of the Powerbook Pro. You need to have your fiscal shite together to afford one of these babys, I'll tell you what. BUT BUT BUT the first time you go to your local JAVA HUT for some ground up and boiled BEAN and open up your $65 GIG bag and slide out that streamlined Titanium piece of Functional Art - and you crack open the top and that little white APPLE LOGO sheds it's pearly wise light upon all the other MAC laptops hearded around you - well then you will laugh at the 4 months debt you went into for the purchase of this fine machine.
In semi-conclusion, let me be clear. My old blue Toshiba Satalite was a good friend for years. I almost miss its humming and hissing cooling fans and it's lack of ability to run MicroShaft's latest operating system. Almost. But not so much. I have not, and I suspect WILL NOT, ever regret this investment in my own creative self. This machine TALKS to me at night and TELLS ME THE TRUTH. Is $2000 too high a price to pay for a Magic Machine? I don't think so.
In more final conclusion, I'll share this fact with you, most committed reader: I was a WINDOZE DUDE for almost a decade and a half. I went through win95 and win98, had a moment of hope with NT2000 and then struggled through the XP years. When faced with VISTA I just realized I was getting too old for this shite and I started (please sit down before you read further) purchasing my software and getting proper tech-support. And I realized that I could no longer support William Gates and his monkey show of an operating system. I purchased my first MAC just over a year ago. I had issues at first, because the MAC did as MAC does and it took me a month or so (and one 450+ page ALL ABOUT book) to get in the groove. But once it clicked it clicked big. The "A"rtist in me said YES YES YES OH JEEEEZUS YES to this new way to do My Thing. I swore that I'd never become a MacNazis like many of my friends. But I have become a MAC supporter fer sher. Thus, getting the Powerbook Pro was the final step in my Mac assimilation.
In ACTUAL conclusion, I hope this wee story and semi-review has been of any small amount of value to you, dear PSC surfer. I hope that, in some small way, I've taken you mind off the horrible spectacle of ReyRey pulling his pants down in front of you.
[IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: the computer doesn't get the votes at PSC, the CHOP does (or in equal effect: your popularity with all your other buddies). Please do NOT switch operating systems and computer companies soley for the reason of improving your chopping skills. Although, truth be told, you'll most likely enjoy chopping on a MAC more - and a happy chopper is a better chopper!