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Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:03 pm Reply with quote
Yer years late, and if you knew anything about history, and mythology you'd realize it's 50% lies. Clever though, the guy cruised just at the level of knowledge that people would recognize little bits of the stories and assume they knew well enough to swallow the rest. There's 50% of truth to sucker you into buying the other 50% of amazing lies.
It's a hate film, and doesn't belong on this website.
I'm embarrassed for anyone who swallowed this.
Edit..two minutes later..I take back teh "It doesn't belong on this site" part BUT BUT BUT, really find this, or at least one third of this film very aggravating.... I would hope anyone who does watch it will do for me one small favor..
when mythological figures are mentioned and compared, please, pick one of those figures and research it for the innacuracies, and deliberate twisting of the truth.That part of the film is nothing but hate, and I detest it with a passion.
Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:20 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: Yer years late, and if you knew anything about history, and mythology you'd realize it's 50% lies. Clever though, the guy cruised just at the level of knowledge that people would recognize little bits of the stories and assume they knew well enough to swallow the rest. There's 50% of truth to sucker you into buying the other 50% of amazing lies.
It's a hate film, and doesn't belong on this website.
I'm embarrassed for anyone who swallowed this.
Edit..two minutes later..I take back teh "It doesn't belong on this site" part BUT BUT BUT, really find this, or at least one third of this film very aggravating.... I would hope anyone who does watch it will do for me one small favor..
when mythological figures are mentioned and compared, please, pick one of those figures and research it for the innacuracies, and deliberate twisting of the truth.That part of the film is nothing but hate, and I detest it with a passion.
Almost what ya said last time.

Location: my special place
Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:48 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: Yer years late, and if you knew anything about history, and mythology you'd realize it's50% lies. Clever though, the guy cruised just at the level of knowledge that people would recognize little bits of the stories and assume they knew well enough to swallow the rest. There's 50% of truth to sucker you into buying the other 50% of amazing lies.
It's a hate film, and doesn't belong on this website.
I'm embarrassed for anyone who swallowed this.
Scion, (1)its obvious that your a believer! and I agree with you that some may not be 100% correct yet I also remember you stating something in a "past forum" that you believe in religion before science or something to that effect. I dont remember your exact words.
BUT... even if there is "as you say" 50% truth to this then that alone is scary enough. Your words are harsh about the person that posted this... as far as I knew, this was a place anything could be discussed "generally"! so if you want to knock me personally then send me a PM... if you want to comment on what is being discussed then then go for it... if not, dont bother leaving anything!
(2) From the sounds of it, you did not watch the whole thing, only the first section is in regards to the found facts that religion is false... if you watch further... that is the part that is scary... the facts that 9/11 could have been an inside job and then what the world leaders and banks have in stock for us in the future... RESEARCH IT YOURSELF!!!!! I KNOW I HAVE!!! AND IF YOU THINK THAT YOUR GOVERNMENT GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU OR I OR ANYONE ELSE.... WELL THEN GO LUCK TO YOU & GOD BLESS!
The only person that just brought hatred to this website was you, for putting me down... I never said anything about wanting people to believe in what the "website" was saying... I just wanted people to view it and start a discussion. Is that ok with you Mr. Shade???
Location: my special place
Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:56 pm Reply with quote
digitalpharaoh wrote:
Well... LOL I guess I was a little late on the posting of this website,  yet I think your right, we need to discuss this again. So basicly when this movie first came out, there had been barely any talk about the "North American Union" and such... yet in the last three weeks I have heard of it at least three times in the news... so for the people that don't believe that this is were our country is going... well I feel for them.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:34 pm Reply with quote
Dude, by 50% truth I meant like..brainwashing.
Poisoned wine is 50% truth. I give you a nice glass of wine that taste oh so
pleasing, and you thank me for it. The wine parts great, but the poison part will kill you.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:52 pm Reply with quote
Designed2522 wrote:
Scion, (1)its obvious that your a believer! and I agree with you that some may not be 100% correct yet I also remember you stating something in a "past forum" that you believe in religion before science or something to that effect. I dont remember your exact words.
(((Which has nothing at all to do with 'this', and my comments about science, and the Bible are usually on a line that the Bible is theoretically scientifically accurate, and can be proven so as well as any current theory))) if you want to knock me personally then send me a PM... if you want to comment on what is being discussed then then go for it... if not, dont bother leaving anything!
((( I commented on what is being discussed, and where did I knock you personally? What am I missing here?)))
(2) From the sounds of it, you did not watch the whole thing, only the first section is in regards to the found facts that religion is false... if you watch further... that is the part that is scary... the facts that 9/11 could have been an inside job and then what the world leaders and banks have in stock for us in the future... RESEARCH IT YOURSELF!!!!! I KNOW I HAVE!!! AND IF YOU THINK THAT YOUR GOVERNMENT GIVES TWO SHITS ABOUT YOU OR I OR ANYONE ELSE.... WELL THEN GO LUCK TO YOU & GOD BLESS!
((( read the previous thread. I have been well versed on every topic of the film long before the film existed. I agree with the other two segments to large extent, except 'we Americans' do not have a leg to stand on if we are to be 'righteous' about the matter. From the start we were rebels that turned traitor to the crown, yet accepting that, as all have, in the last century we , by near unanimous silent consent, agreed
on our own conspiracy, and became a democracy, tossing 'The Republic"
out the window. We are by our own definition an illegal state. What leg have we to stand on? )))
The only person that just brought hatred to this website was you, for putting me down... I never said anything about wanting people to believe in what the "website" was saying... I just wanted people to view it and start a discussion. Is that ok with you Mr. Shade???
((( again..I put you down? Don't be silly.
Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:15 am Reply with quote
why are you digging this thread up?
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:04 am Reply with quote
mike.b.29 wrote:
so you can believe wat a korrupt government tells you
I believe nothing any government tells me. (except for the bit everybody believes: That which furthers my own personal agenda :constipated smiley here:
mike.b.29 wrote:
..and that war is not profitable,it just happens
Depends who you are. Go step into advanchat and ask Woodie
how he likes his yacht.
mike.b.29 wrote: thats not brainwashing thats just plain ignorance
Right about now I am about wondering at your creative use of brain function.
mike.b.29 wrote: SCIENCE its been here just a little bit longer
SCIENCE has been here just a bit longer than what?
mike.b.29 wrote: ....sorry dont want to offend anyone...
Not to worry. We are very tolerant of our 'special' friends.
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