then those that don't sell on Sundays.
Cinko de Hu'leo Gonzall'es to you too...
Say the Spanish whipped the French..


Pancho Villa is a HERO of mine. He is the original O.G.Gangsta.
I live in South Carolina....home of the Bible thumpers....and we can't buy alcohol on Sunday.....actually, unless the bar is a Private Club...."Last Call" is at 12:00p.m. on Saturaday night.....but you can't buy alcohol Sunday night at 12:00.....ohhhh no...you have to wait until Monday Morning...so i guess it's more like a 30 hour ban than a 24 hour ban. Does make the store's around town become full at 11:30p.m. on Saturday night.....Gotta get that beer for the Sunady games and Nascar Race.

Although, we do have a large supply of BOOTLEGGERS...

.....it's a dollar a beer...or $10 for a pint of some of the Cheapest bottled liquior know to man....but if you know a friend, who knows a friend.....I can say we have some of the BEST MOONSHINE ever jugged....A couple(2) of LIDS full and it's off to warm fuzzyland, a couple more and it's off to BLACK-OUT city....you just sorta come to in the morning.

.....OR at least i am told.
EDIT:.....GO DAWGS.....BORN and will DIE a Georgia Dawg's Fan....i'm a big fan of Spanish women too....but my wife won't let me fly those flags in the car window.