There seems to be a lot more men here than women, so I'll ask all you "manly" types for some gift ideas?
Today is our 10th wedding anniversary, and our 15th anniversary of our first date.
Any ideas on what a guy might like to do to celebrate? Or get as a gift?? .... That isn't x rated??!
I was thinking of dinner out for steaks and beers SANS KIDS... But I just don't know. 10 years is a big one, and dinner just seems a little lame. However, we never go anywhere without our kids (ages 5, 4, and 2) so it would definately be something special for us.
Throw me any other fun ideas you might have, if you don't mind... Hubby will be home from work around 4 or 5, so I only have a few hours to brainstorm.

Thanks for your help!!