ok guys ...ive went around and gave my apologys ..to the people i said bad things about....and had a few days to think about it.....truth is ..martrex(marty) was right ..he told me in my 3rd week enjoy this place its addicting...and he is right..
i tried to just cold turkey walk away ..and you all gave me a 3rd place..sweet.... that is what is making it impossible to walk away....the joy of learning and constructive criticism ...so theres only one thing left for me to do and that is ....................STFUAC ...or like someone else said STFUA play my guitar..i got a 2 new songs comming ....one is a SHAMAN cover called manner of speaking..(thanks sean)..and the other hasnt been named yet cause its not finished..but since ive been here ive neglected my music ..so im going to focus on that more than chops..sometimes it takes a good acoustical song to REINSPIRE yourself..
thanks for 3rd, sorry for the harsh comments....and Marco ..dude i been gettin that mag. for years...id be happy to forward the subcription to you

cause they just hit the trash as soon as i pull it out of the mailbox

i call it snail mail SPAM ....and dew dew ...i think we can change the name of this thread to THE DOO DOO

ALL LUV and ill be in from time to time
thanks GOAT, TARMAC, WIZ,SHAMAN, GRAN, REINMAN, DIGITALPHARAOH, LROSSA, MICOSE, CLAF, NOGOODSK8RPUNK, DEWDEW, KINETIC_BE, T ADAMS, SCRUMPY, GRAVYBOAT, SPLODGE, PAKIMO, MARCOBALLISTIC, CANDRON, anyone i forgot.that helped me make my mind up in staying....................... and a big thank you too BIG BUCK....
can we let this thread die???