You've been invited to join TheShaman's Salary Cap Football Challenge league.
Accept Challenge and get your team now!
as in good ol' pigskin AMERICAN FOOTBALL, this is not a Soccer League as we yanks call it.
Andy has started that league. Which you can find
Be sure to bookmark this page:
Use your Login & Password to play this and other games. If you have a User ID already, use it, otherwise, its free to sign up, and takes only a minute.
League name is The PSC
There is no password.
Friends and family are more than welcome to join as well. I believe there is a 20 team limit on each league so GET TO IT! This year the opener is on Sept. 4 so make sure your roster is 100% full, or your team will receive no points for that week. Enjoy the game, start talkin smack... and good luck!
for those who didn't play last year, DOT was the league champion! and most basic questions can be answered
in this thread
as you sign up, please post your team name, so I can add you to the list.