anfa wrote:
Now I remember why I stopped chopping here!
The voting sucks balls!
I have nothing against kinetic be but the last contest confused me a bit . Could someone please explain why that chop was better than my chop! If it's the chop itself, I think theres a lot more chopping in mine and I fixed the flaws properly when they where pointed out(again, nothing against kinetic but you can still see the shop through the windows). If it's the the humour/concept/idea, again I think there's a lot more in mine.
Please explain!

I tend to agree with you anfa.
I have also noted some really lousy chops with glaring visual errors getting widely disproportional votes above their merit.
(BTW: There's 10 of them in the current 'Duck Boat' comp)
BUT since we can't comment on any 'open' comp, I'll wait until later to enlarge on that. So I'll peruse the latest closed one, the 'Range Rover' Comp for example.
Have another close look at these entries for that one:-
1. 'Girls, guns and beer'= Better check those shotguns.
2. 'Pimped my Ride'= Argh, those socks and tyre densities.
3. 'Lipstick.1'= I can't even find the bleeding source.
4. 'Scrappy Do'= A 'floating' chop, cut and paste job?
5. 'Don't forget to Smile'= Ask mike.b.29, he knows;-)
BTW: Well spotted Mike,very sloppy of me, I owe you one for that!
