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Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:00 pm Reply with quote
This place goes through phases as does the art world. There was a time when Micose was hot. He was a breathe of fresh air for what had become a stagnant site. He was new and different, So everything he was doing seemed very special. Micose started a following of (sorry for the term) "artsy" entries. Some where very good, some were not. Now we look for Micose to expand himself and create something fresh again. Not an easy task for anyone. So while there is still good art pieces being made, nothing is very cutting edge anymore. Realism gets attention for the hard work, knowledge of PS and the precision that is involved. Realism can be artsy too. Realism is not worth anything if there is no design or composition to it. A trained use of color theory helps too as with all art. Each type of art gets voted on according to how much it impresses people. A question of "could I do that" or "could I have thought of that" is involved too. Ideas carry a lot of the weight around here. A great idea with skills to back it up is a deadly combination. There is good and bad in all forms of PS art.
A common standard is mentally drawn in ones head. A common knowledge of what the majority will like. There are some who like things for reasons besides artistic value. There are some that like something because it matches their couch. That is fine too. It is your vote. Use it as you like. Some are trained in art, color theory, perspective, etc.etc. This makes it a little easier for them to understand why something may look "off" or why people are just not interested in something. There are many techniques of design which make people want to view your image and keep their interest. This goes for all art. My guess is that most of the really good artists around here just happen to be into "realism". This is because of the original use of PS as a precise tool of the photographer. It was not until later that PS started to creep into the art world. "Corel Painter" is still a better program for artists who like the look of traditional art mediums, as far as I am concerned. We really are just starting to see the potential of PS as an "artsy" medium. Micose is still at the top of the food chain. There are more "artsy" people climbing the ladder quickly too.I think we at have the best of all worlds.
We all have the common thread of our love of photoshop.
We know what is good and bad for us. Judge accordingly. Be honest with yourself and have a tough skin. You will know a useful comment from a comment from ones taste.Many people here will vote for something even if they would not hang it in their house, because they know the skills that went into. Others don't have a vast knowledge of PS and vote strictly according to their tastes. Now shut up and go create.! 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Somerville MA
Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:10 pm Reply with quote
Well said Rey!  There is really no limit to what can be done with photoshop, Illustrator Rocks too!  the only problem with photoshop is you can't eat the colors for creative halucinations and a vivid imagination. 
Location: Brisbane Australia
Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:25 pm Reply with quote
"A very lucid and accurate commentary of the state of play here at PSC, well put Rey Rey!" 
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:51 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: This place goes through phases as does the art world... lots of stuff here that was made of awesome Now shut up and go create.! 
ReyRey wrote:
Just a little side note. Modern science and art critics are still not sure why Marco is so popular. 
then ya just had to add the little dig at Marco in such a well thought out explanation overview of art & PSC didn't you
NOW I know you were kidding... but since you brought up his name, I'll use this as my example.... I for one am growing tired of the constant lets kick marco in the nuts game. Not just by you... in general I'm now speaking... LOOK> Like him or hate him, like his work or pick it apart... the guy bleeds for this place and this is the thanks he gets? A constant and almost every day bashing of a long time member and participator of this community. Even when the thread has nothing to do with him, he comes up. I think your overview pretty much sums up why he does well here. Cause of his ideas, and his constant of being nice when he really doesn't have to be. Its made to seem like the guy is somehow not worthy of most of the accolades he gets. Who here is perfect? Let them cast that first stone. OTHERWISE STFUAC go on... beat him at the game. That is how it is done with respect & dignity.
Marco must have the thickest skin ever. Cause if you guys constantly did that to me...
I'd go crackers & crayons.
Final Summation:
An awesome overview of this place with a, IMPO unnecessary addition that had nothing to do with the above other than the opportunity to kick a man in the jimmy.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:15 pm Reply with quote
TheShaman wrote: ReyRey wrote: This place goes through phases as does the art world... lots of stuff here that was made of awesome Now shut up and go create.! 
ReyRey wrote:
Just a little side note. Modern science and art critics are still not sure why Marco is so popular. 
then ya just had to add the little dig at Marco in such a well thought out explanation overview of art & PSC didn't you
NOW I know you were kidding... but since you brought up his name, I'll use this as my example.... I for one am growing tired of the constant lets kick marco in the nuts game. Not just by you... in general I'm now speaking... LOOK> Like him or hate him, Like his work or pick it apart... the guy bleeds for this place and this is the thanks he gets? A constant and almost every day bashing of a member of this community. Even when the thread has nothing to do with him. He comes up. I think your overview pretty much sums up why he does well here. Cause of his ideas, and his constant of being nice when he really doesn't have to be.
Marco must have the thickest skin ever. Cause if you guys constantly did that to me...
I'd go crackers & crayons.
Final Summation:
An awesome overview of this place with a, IMPO unnecessary addition that had nothing to do with the above other than an opportunity to kick the man in the jimmy.
Marco knows I am just teasing him. Besides, it keeps his name in the papers. Any press is good press. He is like the little brother. You want him to do good but it's also fun to screw with him. Marco brought it upon himself a long time ago and he knows how. Sure we all grow and mature in ways but no matter how good of a president Bill Clinton was. We still joke about the blow job.  I mean no harm to Marco and I compliment him when he shows his true potential. The only reason it seams like we are always picking on Marco is because he is available for it...EVERY F%$#@#! DAY!!! He is nuts!!! Dedicated, but nuts. Everyone has received the Marco PM in the past. "what do you think about my entry?" "I updated my entry" etc. He was the inventor of the term "Whoring for votes" He probably has stopped with that but we still remember. Many of the old timers had received these PM's in the past and we are just making sure he is earning his votes. Marco also has a bit of an attitude when you honestly try to show him something. He will come up with a reason why "he meant to do that" or he does not have time. He also is alllllll about the votes. Sometimes he will hold out on voting for the top images if they are going to compete with his until the end or until they are well ahead of him. All this being said. It's all fine. He is family and we love him in our own way. Red headed step child that he is.
If any other web site started talking shit about Marco, we would have to kick their asses. He's family!  No, I won't stop poking fun. It is what I do. I do it with many and even have threads to do so. I have pissed people off in the past and I am sure I will do it again. I also show respect to all. I like when they hit back too. I think it is all in good fun.
Peace to all. (even Marco)
Let's not turn this into a Marco thread. I'm sorry I put it there. I just can't write something completely serious without a punch line somewhere. I can't do it. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:24 pm Reply with quote
Fair enough  I'll accept that answer from you, because I have a lot of respect for you. But you have to admit there are others who do the same, w/o the wink wink its all in good fun.
hell, look at it this way. Its like Marilyn Manson. for a while there everyone was talking about him... good & bad. and he was everyfreakinwhere...
then once everyone stopped, HE GONE 
Site Moderator
Location: Planet Earth
Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:32 pm Reply with quote
Marilyn Manson chopped here???
i did not know that!
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Eve wrote: Marilyn Manson chopped here???
i did not know that!
indeed... neither did I
Like I said... he was everyfreakinwhere!
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:24 pm Reply with quote
ReyRey wrote: Everyone has received the Marco PM in the past. "what do you think about my entry?" "I updated my entry" etc. He was the inventor of the term "Whoring for votes" He probably has stopped with that but we still remember. Many of the old timers had received these PM's in the past and we are just making sure he is earning his votes.
I would just like to say this is utter horse shit
barring one instance that many know about way back about a month or so after I joined involving alcohol and a bunch of my mates and access to my account here.
Or if you refer Rey to as example a comment you put on an entry of mine, and I PM you asking what you meant and I have updated it accordingly as you had a point, that is not vote whoring. It is replying to your point directly.
So much shit goes round about me its like Chinese whispers here and it snowballs, and don't say it doesn't happen because I am well aware of it.
I have come across people who have joined here after commenting on their work and they contact me, saying things like I hear your a cheater, or I thought you were a right fool. Whaaaaa, I wonder who is talking to them.
People say that I go round trying to grab nubies to join my merry band. I say fuck that, I try damn hard to help out and make this site how it once was, while a hell of alot of people try to bring it down around our ears.
And yeah thats right, I have lost my cool for once, is that ok with everyone! 
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:44 pm Reply with quote
marcoballistic wrote: ReyRey wrote: Everyone has received the Marco PM in the past. "what do you think about my entry?" "I updated my entry" etc. He was the inventor of the term "Whoring for votes" He probably has stopped with that but we still remember. Many of the old timers had received these PM's in the past and we are just making sure he is earning his votes.
I would just like to say this is utter horse shit
barring one instance that many know about way back about a month or so after I joined involving alcohol and a bunch of my mates and access to my account here.
Or if you refer Rey to as example a comment you put on an entry of mine, and I PM you asking what you meant and I have updated it accordingly as you had a point, that is not vote whoring. It is replying to your point directly.
So much shit goes round about me its like Chinese whispers here and it snowballs, and don't say it doesn't happen because I am well aware of it.
I have come across people who have joined here after commenting on their work and they contact me, saying things like I hear your a cheater, or I thought you were a right fool. Whaaaaa, I wonder who is talking to them.
People say that I go round trying to grab nubies to join my merry band. I say fuck that, I try damn hard to help out and make this site how it once was, while a hell of alot of people try to bring it down around our ears.
And yeah thats right, I have lost my cool for once, is that ok with everyone! 
Cool  Marco is pissed.
It is not Horse shit Marco. I have received PMs from you in the past. I only wish I had saved them. Some were just "see my entries' Others were, "I noticed you commented but did not vote" Other people have received them too and told me about them. That is all in the past anyways and nobody is doubting your dedication to this web site. are here every fucking day. How could we argue that. Now I won't beat around the bush. You are not as great as many newbies make you out to be. Or as good as I think you think you are. You still make a lot of technical errors. Most you won't admit. Pride?? I don't know. You are very good. You have some days of brilliance and creativeness but after hundreds of images, you think you would try to learn something about shadows. Sometimes it seems like your overwhelming number of entries is mistaken for brilliance. I am not saying that I am brilliant either. I have a lot of training and technical skills but creative ideas are hard for me to come up with. Every now and then I hit a great idea but very seldom. I don't think anyone here is perfect or always brilliant. Most people don't do their brilliant stuff on the web.
But most here try to learn something. You are not the only one that has been beat on before. Remember Marx-Man's first statement here.  All I am saying is you are not without fault or undeserving of some poking. I will try to stop doing it so much. ....  Honest..  Now stop stealing my thread to get more attention.
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:58 pm Reply with quote
you know I left one thing out, as it was not actually you I was losing it over, more in general.
oh and the was it a comment or vote thing I only ever ask when someone says nice work, love the etc, I mean surely that sounds like a vote. So I ask, I have no regrets over that, most of the time I don't bother.
your other example 'see my entry', what are you on about, I have used my entries as example when helping people out. But not live ones that ~I can ever remember.
And thinking I am good, I think I am competent, with a good imagination, I think you are good Rey, but sometime my friend you are a right fucking cock, but by no means the biggest hear
I usually let this all slide over me, I mean like Sean says, any other person may have imploded several times over by now. It is honestly the only way to deal with it, to ignore and make fun of it. If I would take everything to heart, I think I would be a basket case.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:21 pm Reply with quote
I'm a F%$#@ng Cock????!!! Why you little...  Oh nevermind. Your right. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: In a world of $#!t
Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:22 pm Reply with quote
Now would people please get back on topic. 
_________________ I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:34 pm Reply with quote
what was the fu**ing topic you mutha bas**d sh*t.... oh sorry I have calmed sown now
topic right, let me re-read 
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