I made a joke about Marco the other day and he got upset. I always joke with him and he never gets upset. Well, it made me stop and think. Maybe I have been a bully to Marco. Sure he made some mistakes, but we all do. He deserved to be picked on for some of the things but there comes a point where enough is enough. I have a lot going on in my life, I have a disease where I am not sure how long I will be here and I don't want to go knowing that I have an enemy , so that being said, I will not pick on Marco any more. I will stop using him as a punch line. (Arcaico is going to kill me) From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry that I hurt you Marco, But I am a joker, so I will have to find someone else to pick on....

hmmmmmmm....let me see....Mikey! Yes Mikey, he is always here....No.. not Mikey...He will get God after me.

Hmmmmm.. I know Shaman!....

No...he will get Mikey after me.

I can't pick a woman. I respect them too much and besides, they gang up on you. Anfa is no fun, he just says fuck you and doesn't fight back. Billtvshow isn't around enough..

hmmmm.. well there is....no...well I......

Aw Fuck it! Marco sucks!

Wow. That didn't last long.

Sorry Marco.

Your it.