General Questions
Q: What is this place?
A: It's called a website (alternatively, web site or Web site, a back-construction from the proper noun World Wide Web) is a collection of Web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that is hosted on one or more web servers, usually accessible via the Internet.
Q: How do I sign up?
A: Well, it all depends where you born. But since most of the people are from the US, will give you this:
Links for other countries will be added later
Q: Does it cost anything to join?
A: Sometimes your life.
Q: Where is my confirmation e-mail?
A: How the heck would I know, you've made the mess. I didn't..
Q: Who moderates this site?
A: Green people. They're pretty rare, and they require special kind of treatment (for instance you can't give them water after midnight.. for some reason they start behaving radically irrational then, although it doesn't always require water)
Q: What is the PSC Advantage?
A: Our income.
Q: Can I post news on PSC?
A: Well, yeah you can. But if you want to be a reporter, I suggest you contact BBC-news, Fox-news, CNN, or whatever news agency.
Q: How can I reset my password?
A: If you've forgotten your password, you're an idiot. Idiots don't belong here
Q: I've upgraded my account, but still don't have access to the Advantage section. What is wrong?
A: Congratulations, you've just become a scam-victim
Contests and Entries
Q: When is the next contest?
A: God-damned, just check the frontpage... What are you? Blind?
Q: Yes I'm blind
A:Then go to This place is not intended for you
Q: How do I enter a contest?
A: Don't bother, you loose anyway
Q: How do I win a prize?
A: By being the first, you idiot...
Q: How long do contests run?
A: See answer on 'When is the next contest'. Djeez, I'm getting sick of all these stupid questions
Q: Are adult images suitable here?
A: Officially no, but do send them to my private inbox.
Q: How many entries can I submit per contest?
A: Officially 2, but if it's adult, as many as you want
Q: Can I edit one of my contest entries?
A: <sarcasm>That's what the edit button is for..</sarcasm>
Q: What kind of image files can I enter?
A: preferably ones that we can see
Q: Why was my entry removed from the contest?
A: Because it stinks, but usually we give some other 'nice' reason. But rest assured, it stinks
Q: Why won't my image upload?
A: Sometimes it stinks so much, even our servers can't handle the stench
Q: How is a contest winner determined?
A: Random...
Q: I've won! How do I get my prize?
A: That's something we are still trying to figure out