wow look wat the hell i started..
i had to create an account to come and apologize ....wat i said in heat of the moment ...was uncalled for ...if i had a problem i should have used a dam pm....i acted stupidly and am truly sorry .....bringing me back here wont change a thing....i miss voting ...and my advantage that was a gift ...i planned on renewing..and i also relize that i do not need to get involved in threads here.....i started the avatar thread ..and got my feelings hurt ....and acted on that...and i apologize to logic ....and arc. even tho i dont think arc gives a dam ...but ARC dude i shouldnt have came at you that was stupid and wrong....
no matter wat i had thought you said at the time of my heated post....that gave me no right to use the words i used in the context.. i kno i will never live it down here even if im brought out of bein banned.....doesnt matter....
and also NATG i am sorry...and i admit i was wrong...i feel like an ass...and deserve all the hate i can get for wat i have said.....
i am not a racist ...just choose poor words ..the other day....
if ever i was sorry eve always told me "dude quit bein so sorry all the time"
this is the time....IM SORRY for bringing all this hate here ...and fuk i kno our president is stupid ...but we cant help that...i just dont like hearin about it...we all suffer here in america ..with our high gasoline prices and neglected cities..and living cost's spiking ..and with the war on terror...and job losses..and major motor companys outsourcing ....we kno just sux to have to hear it....
so once again i am really sorry all of PSC ....i hope you can read this and kno i am truly sorry..
with this being said ...please can you punish me in another way...i miss voting
mike b.. anyone want my phone number to give me shit ..its cool i deserve it ...just pm this account and ill give it to you..mike.b.