Dears friends, dear PSCers,
I just wanted to let u know that i m leaving France and i'm about to take my chance on the american continent..... take my chance.... just showed me the way....... to Canada, where I met a chopchick... the awesome Janfet, a beautiful present in my lonelistic psychoartistic life...... an unexpected gift of.....God(s)...(ouch...i said THE word) !
Im packing...silently but with excitation....
Bye Bye "Paris" I won't miss you"
i trust in Canadian Dream.....
Ill be using PSC as a diary of this great experience for me I think....
These....chops...are my last ones (almost...for a while..etc)....but im not fukin leaving PSC. I pick the occasion to quit a bit the choppaddiction a bit..( or at least try)
ill be sticking around here however
Trip is planned for beginnning of December !
quite late to keep typing about my happiness right now....i ll take careof that soon...