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Location: Almuñecar.
Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Miss SS wrote: In all honesty I have been busy over the last two weeks falling in love... and its been a wonderful two weeks!...  *sigh* ... because of this all of my chop time has been taken up with the team challenge...
ReinMan Does have a valid point though, and although he is talking about a time before I joined this community I can see the appeal of this quickfire creativity. Would it not be possible to have a day of the week where we all get only 24 hours to chop (advantage or not)?
We have an anon day which is good, and I actually enjoy putting my heart and soul into a mammoth chop over a few days sometimes, but there is something to be said for enforcing shorter deadlines... what does everyone think?
It could be great! It would push people to work in a different way and learn how to work under different constraints. It would also give newbies more of a chance to gain confidence.
Could we trial it for a few weeks? 
I ususally do quickfire it.Most of my entries are done on the morning of the start of the comp (that's why a lot of times I enter a few hours late) or the night before at the very earliest.You don't have to have a special contest just for that.And if you are really brave just "pretend" that you are non-advantage (and don't put Proc at a disadvantage by pulling out of advantage) and make a point of not looking at the source until the comp opens (no cheating though) then chop it and enter with the rest of the non-advantage members.It even puts your talent more to the test by giving yourself a disadvantage on purpose and competing against advantage members.I just can't guarantee most will win many comps is all  .But if it's a personal challenge you want anyone can do it  .
Miss SS
Location: Woburn Sands, UK
Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:33 pm Reply with quote
I see what what your saying Luxwiz - and in terms of personal skills your right, but what's the point of entering a comp enforcing your own restrictions - it would be like running a marathon a day after everyone else! I can achieve that kind of learning in my own time.
The idea of this place is to compete - No? ...
Splodge - so what happened last time this was raised?...
Location: Almuñecar.
Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:35 pm Reply with quote
Miss SS wrote: it would be like running a marathon a day after everyone else!
 .There are probably people that do it!  .Oh and I did mean it as a personal challenge. btw.However,as far as competing is concerned,sometimes I've taken almost an entire day to do a chop that flopped (the third team challenge "old dashboard" comes to mind,I made a 114 frame gif that only got 22 votes for all that work)
and other chops I've done in a couple of hours that have come in the top three.Even one that won "Rusty Truck" .So many times it's not the time taken to chop that counts but a great idea that will appeal to the other members and an efficient way to realize it.
Location: Yorkshire,
Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Miss SS wrote:
Splodge - so what happened last time this was raised?...
sorry you'll have to read the whole topic, but genraly good vibes
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:03 pm Reply with quote
ReinMan wrote: We've had LOTS of threads here about why many are not competing here any longer.
I'll state my position again: The original concept for this site was SMALL file size, SHORT turn-around time, FAST n' FURIOUS chopping. No prizes. Anonymous posting.
THAT is what got this site rocking. In my opinion every step AWAY from the original concepts was a step toward something OTHER than what this site was conceived as. A fast, fun diversion for those of us who wanted a quick chop before breakfast. [NOW participants can SCHEME for a WHOLE FRICKIN MONTH, and then present their MASTER WORK and collect a prize of some Photoshop Plugin that does in 10 seconds what you've worked a whole month on.  ]
Fast n Furious = FUN Long, strategic, prize-driven = MEH.
There. I've said it. Again. Not saying I'm RIGHT, but it is right for ME.
Oh... and also the fact that chopping is for PUSHIES. Didn't anyone ever tell you that at school, just before they hiked your underwear up over your head? 
I find myself in the most unenviable position as I find that I agree with what the reinlad has to say. I will check my pill box and make sure that I have not forgotten one of the big red ones which helps me be confrontational especially towards the west.
Location: Norway
Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:15 pm Reply with quote
I remember when i first signed up. It was because I saw there was real prizes. I do belive it is good to attract new choppers. It is not that important for me today, but at the time I signed up it was what tempted me to join.
But it might be just people are very busy right now. Lots of work in the world of design for christmas. I myself are too busy with school.
I don't think it is anything to worry about, people will come back and chop soon I belive 
Location: Yorkshire,
Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:39 pm Reply with quote
suits me is you all sod off, i'm ready for a rest 
Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:55 pm Reply with quote
splodge wrote: suits me is you all sod off, i'm ready for a rest 

Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:02 pm Reply with quote
Heinlein wrote:
If I have some time, I might put together a chart to show how entries, new users, and the rest of the stats for the site has shown a dramatic decline within the past year.
Not that you can do this, but it would be interesting to see this data plotted against comparable sites like W1k and a few others.
Is interest waning there as well?
I'm guessing it has more to do with issues relating to this site but you never know.
There are certainly ways to reinvigorate PSC and no shortage of people willing to help with ideas, but I get the feeling that if this site fizzled out completely, Proc would feel a sense of relief more than anything.
Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote
badcop wrote:
Not that you can do this, but it would be interesting to see this data plotted against comparable sites like W1k and a few others.
Not that this shows much usefull info, but hey atleast we're seeing here that the 'reach' of w1k has declined steadily, as where psc is rather 'stable'
Though these figures don't prove much as they don't take activity per user in account (and certainly not contest participation). Also w1k has a fairly large visitor base compared to psc, so the up and downs have a larger effect on the view...
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Site Admin
Location: Toronto, ON
Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:30 pm Reply with quote
Intersting Grefix. I doubt Alexa is accurate, but it probably gives a good idea of the general picture.
I just checked the website stats and they don't show a decline in traffic.
In the last 30 days we had 135,801 visits with 786,198 pageviews. A year ago in October 2007 there were about 120,000 unique visitors.
What did decline is the number of pageviews per visit. It went from 9 to about 6. Linked to that is the session time which also decreased from 6:30 mins per session to 4:40 mins per session.
This shows there is still a constant stream of traffic, but it seems people are less interested.
_________________ Feel free to PM me, but PM a mod if you think they can help you. If you've won a prize, contact me!
Location: Yorkshire,
Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:39 pm Reply with quote
they are spammmes, 299 new members to 4,000,000 members, close the site for a day, could be fun
Location: Utah, USA
Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:48 pm Reply with quote
digitalpharaoh wrote: The current comp has been open for almost an hour...
Only 9 entries...correction...10...and as of right now...only 2 votes....and those were from me.
AdvantaChat is dead more than it's alive.
What gives?
Have we gotten that disgruntled with PSC? Or do people just not care anymore?
I would love to say what I feel, but last time I gave my option, My ass was handed to me. I'll just keep it to myself. 
_________________ The good life is what you find when you stop looking for a better one.
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