I think if my 2 ex-wive's would get off thier fat lazy ass'es'sss'sss and stop gold-digging,.. like my wallet is a San Francisco mine claim. I could stop eating the dollar menu at Mickey D's !!!
Until that happens...just put four double cheeseburgers in the bag with that TINY order of fries...and HELL no i don't want to supersize. How about you supersize the KETCHUP...YOU STINGeY KETCHUP GIVING BASTARDS....and also..CHICKEN NUGGETS...they come with SAUCE. OOoh yeah, it's true. Check out the nugget box...SEE that rectangle looking knock-out...YEP, thats right...the sauce fits right in there.

SO don't make me drive back across town for sauce...PUT IT IN THE BAG. For crying out loud....it's not rocket science.
Ooh wait,... you meant the "WORLDS FINACIAL CRISIS"....look at i this way. AS long as we owe you...YOU'll never be broke.
Let the 4 horsemen ride....when they do...i hope they get the spammers first.

Right before the child molesters.