TheShaman wrote:
Only one thing bugs me about these type contests where 'anything' is acceptable to post, where a PSC original source isn't a must... Or as others would call "Do anything you want" day...
I have a hard time distinguishing between what the chopper has done and what they may have actually 'borrowed'. Rather... how much work did they actually do... So I have a hard time voting for entries in these contests sometimes... Its not that I don't like the artwork, its just the skeptic in me I guess.
I think during these sort of contests, citing outside sources in your authors notes should almost be mandatory. When all doubt of the work you've put forth is taken out of the equation, I feel you'd see a much higher vote total when its all said and done.
Just my opinion. Now that being said...
There are so many wonderful images... Bravo people. Bravo.
Well said and agree. I do like the "anything goes" to a point, I had a entry and decided not to post it because there is no source to judge it on.
I thought that this would be a great time just to thanks to PSC and all the people that make it happen.
Thanks PSC guys and look for my entry,
TJ (Todd)